Nickolas - The difficulty I have with your suggestion, as good as it may be ABibleStudent, is that it tacitly approves something I have difficulty with. In this case I have difficulty with the aspect of non-disclosure, because it is as OUTLAW points out a form of intellectual dishonesty, if not deliberate deception. If one proceeds with the assumption that the Watchtower destroys lives and one's spouse is actively involved in the process of bringing people in and he says nothing about it, how does he live with himself?
Hi Nickolas, I do agree with your rational. I just like to win! I would prefer to search out other options instead of beating my head against a wall, which is what you would be doing as long as your wife is in Cult-mode. The key is to get your wife out of cult mode, before you use reason with her. I believe that what I suggested is the quickiest way to get your wife out of cult-mode so that eventually you can have a rational conversation with her. I do applaude your efforts and never give up. Something as small as having a calm and rational conversation is a tremondous leap of progress.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,