fade_away - . . . Ok pause for a second and think "What a coincidence!!!" Twenty four years of searching for his spirituality and on the 24th year, the same year he fell for a JW girl, he finally finds his spirituality. I told him "well that's lucky! You found a girlfriend AND you found God a few months later." He knew what I was getting at and got all serious and insisted he made his decision for God and no one else. "Ok then" I said..."it could happen I guess". That's his story and he is sticking to it...and the sad thing is, everyone believes him and nobody sees the obvious. Even if they do, they deny it and claim he is finally seeing the light. They say it almost as if to say "unlike you, fade-away who has left Jehovah and his organization". I mean they might as well say that, since it is implied so much. . . .
Hi Fade_away, sorry to hear about your friend. Does he know what he wants in a wife besides sex? Marriage involves a lot more than going to meetings, FS, and getting laid. You should ask your friend questions about his likes and his GF's likes (i.e., what does his GF like to do, what does she like to read, what and how does she spend money, etc.). Also, how long has your friend known his GF? In my opinion if a couple have been dating for less than 6 months, they are still in the honeymoon phase of a relationship and may be showing their best to each other. If the relationship lasts for more than 1 year, couples may show their true selves to each other and that is when couples should decided whether to marry each other or not.
Good-luck and you should consider making more "Worldly" friends.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,