Welcome The Laser Viking, Let the CO do all the work. Just ask him simple questions, like:
- Where in the Bible does it say that God/Jesus Christ commanded followers to not celebrate birthdays? Bad things happened to people on a Pharaoh's and King's birthday in Ge 40:20, Mt 14:6, and Mk 6:21, but their was no commandment to not celebrate an individual's birthday.
- Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus Christ commanded followers not to accept blood transfusions? Refer to Mt 15:1-14 about what Jesus Christ said about what goes in a person's mouth. Sure early Christians wrote about abstaining from blood in Acts 15:29, but even early Jews could become clean again by following instructions in Le 17:15, and Jews today accept blood transfusions. Is the Watchtower's prohibition on whole blood transfusions for JWs adding to God's commandments?
- Why didn't Jesus Christ tell his remaining disciples to shun those disciples who left him in the desert? Refer to John 6:60-70.
- Why does the Watchtower teach JWs to say, "Where else shall we go?" when non-JWs ask difficult questions instead of admitting that JWs are trying to go to Jesus Christ? Refer to John 6:60-70.
- Why does the Watchtower teach JWs to blindly follow the organization [Watchtower (Study Edition) Nov 2013, pg 16 - 20, paragraph 17], believe in the organization, or follow its literature, instead of God's two greatest commandments or listening to the Holy Spirit? Refer to Mt 22:24-40 and Mt 12:30-32.
- Why does the Watchtower teach JWs to ask non-JWs to keep an open mind, but will not allow JWs to question the Watchtower nor its leaders instructions? Didn't Paul praise the Bereans for studying the scriptures to verify what Paul said was true? Refer to Acts 17:11.
- What should I do if I believe that men are adding to or subtracting from God's commandments? Refer to Deu 4:1-2 and Mt 15:1-12
I doubt that the CO will every bother you again by asking him a few of the above questions.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,