Flipper your comment means so much to me, thank you.
this letter was sent as an addendum to the elders regarding their latest elders textbook.
i think you'll find this interesting and also disconcerting as well.. to all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
Flipper your comment means so much to me, thank you.
check it out!.
very nice look and feel, though not all the downloads are linked properly yet.. http://watchtowerdocuments.com.
Andersons, what a team!
Marvelous new site,... such a clean, fresh scholarly look with the papers, pen & ink!
Thanks for all your continued work. And Randy thanks for the heads up.
this letter was sent as an addendum to the elders regarding their latest elders textbook.
i think you'll find this interesting and also disconcerting as well.. to all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
Hi dear Flipper, well, I'm going to be a little brazen here and say..what a pile of crap!
On the other hand, I just read on Babara's new website, that scripturally speaking, women are 'allowed' to be Deaconesses and teach in churches! Another false teaching has bit the dust
So the WT can stick that silly little bondage book full of absurdities, I laugh in their face! ha ha haha
clarity,... of the womanly class
all they want you to do is anything that will make you feel depressed..
Few years back, finally found a sister to go to an excercise class with.
The music had a nice beat to keep you working (staying alive etc), well after the first 2 minutes she decided we had to leave ... the music was evil, just not watchtower christian enough!!! lol
We should have brought the 'kingdom songs' tape with us, with the fast paced..."From house to house, from door to door"lala lala can't you just picture it... every one dragging their fat a$$e$ to this little ditty! Oh, we do have so much fun!
when i first left the jw's some years ago, one of the most incredible observations i made was just how irrelevant the wt and jw's were to the larger public.
when the conversation turned to my history (as it often did, because i desperately wanted to discuss it) the most comon reaction was of complete unawareness of the jw's, much less their doctrine, or complete surprise that i regarded them as destructive.
to the later, the jw's were understood to be just another church like any other, a little weird perhaps but just one of the many churches in town.
Peacefulpete, ... hi nice to see you back on here.
Ask a new person what they believe and then ask someone who has been in for 50 years. They will be worlds apart. Old fogies cling to the older paradigm but their voices are largely ignored and are being phased out
So true, perhaps this is one reason why so many of us 'old fogies' are shocked awake what??! ..... the 'truth' today is almost unrecognizable from 50's and 60's!
does anyone know from which part of irealand joseph l. russell was before emigrating to usa?.
Ireland? Thought it was Scotland! Google it.
i was thinking the other day about this.
i guess you have seen many couples who have not had children.
the main reason given is that it is difficult to raise children in the last days.
The be all and end all =The Watchtower!
The more you 'give up',.. for something, the more you have invested!
The more invested ... the less likely you are to leave! Pure JW genius!
recently someone asked for a pamphlet to leave with a neighbour that started studying with jws.
i noticed that they was not a lot available, so have put together something.
please let me know your opinion and any errors.
Thanks great stuff! A smaller size makes it a bit more inconspicuous...just shove it into pocket or purse!
Add a Link or refer to JWfacts/freeminds? ... maybe both.
The little paragraph ..."
Even during the 2,000 year period, the Watchtower has been unable to identify a single group that adheres to ...blabla". Not easily understood, maybe reword or put something more eye catching in the space. Otherwise, love it!
he was an interesting presence on this board.
he had integral knowledge about bethel and the like.
i am an emotional guy too so i can kind of relate to why he left.. but, you gotta get thick skin on the forum.
Ziddy, aww ... sorry
A few months back with all his crying/drinking stories, my trust level got stretched when I felt my leg being pulled!
i've already written "my story".
i've been "out" for 35 years.
but that is not a story that contains the little stuff.
Dear Mr Farkel.........
I am a fan of your words.
Friends here say ... don't write if you could be doing something else, something you really enjoy.
I say you enjoy writing in your own unique way, more than anything else!
Am I wrong?
I left also in those years, (temporarily) but thought it was the unhappiness in me that caused it. Had the internet been around then, or if we happened to be friends at the time ...... my life could have turned out differently. I do regret frittering my time away (and my kids lives) in guilt and fear and waiting for 'the big one'.
Sharpen your pencil please and ... begin.