SD-7, bravo
Thanks for putting your heart out there.
I love to see the human, behind the name, ...the struggles and the tears.
It just cuts through so much bs!
and maybe even live a heck of a lot better, to be quite honest, as i'm kinda poor right now.
if not, then what the heck am i doing being a christian?
SD-7, bravo
Thanks for putting your heart out there.
I love to see the human, behind the name, ...the struggles and the tears.
It just cuts through so much bs!
when you were in the org, did you ever really have a relationship with jehovah?
if so, how did this relationship manifest itself?
was it just a warm fuzzy feeling when you prayed?
Stillin9, good morning,
I am thinking about your question as I slurp my coffee, and ...hmm, yes in the beginning I felt I believed in god.
But those 'feelings' I now realize, came, more from the people that studied with me ... than from god.
As they told me of all god was going to do ... protect me, bless me, make the pain of childbirth go away (ha ha haha - oh sorry), won't let me die at armageddon, solve every problem for me, I was so glad.
Well as time went on and these blessings just weren't happening, it did feel like "talking into a dead phone". (Giordano.) Finding out that god saves jw's, only asa class, not individuals! ..... really wrecked 'our' relationship!lol
Finally realized that, if a relationship to God, is based on someone elses promises is worthless.
Now my faith is shaped by words of Christ in the New Testament, by the reappearing sun, the daffodils in spring, the smell of fresh turned earth, by the way an onion grows, by red apples on a tree, by a new baby's birth.
Yes now, as I look out at the night sky .... I do see God.
hi guys,.
thank you for the warm welcome to the forum boards after years of just looking and reading.. i have been impressed by the many comments that have followed the introduction of dontplaceliterature and the balanced, humourus and individual views of the brothers and sisters (we are all human beings so as far as i am concerned no matter what religious persuasion we are all one family!
) that have replied with both candid and honest and often heartfelt comments.. i have started a topic and will give the reason for asking first, so anyone can skip the "getting to know me" bit.. i am currently wondering as a baptised member of the org, who hasnt attended either meetings or memorial in the last 4 years.
Hello and welcome MMI,
Interesting story, sounds like things are going well for your family.
Lots of good advice here. In your case I would recommend just leaving this whole thing alone. But if there still seems to be a cloud hanging over your heads or you keep running into a brick wall, and if that seems worse than the bee`s nest you will stir up, then write the letter.
The bible I like is a New King James Version, also enjoy EErdmans`Handbook To The Bible.
roll call, just as it is written i am not afraid what can man do to me.
my name is shane draney i live in ogden utah, i am supposed to be going to the roy city congregation but i am not going to so there!
but you never know since i was raised in it, its been hard to shed drinking the cool aid.. .
Before anyone gets too crazy here, my two cents ..........
There is a big difference btw Freedom and Personal Boundries!
Those of us who were in the borg, didn't know where our personal boundries ended or where the other members boundries began. Everything about you was everyone else's business! Very, very unhealthy!
So now we come out, ... and still feel that freedom means to reveal everything, no matter how inappropriate!
We don't know where to draw the line. It takes time to learn about respecting our own healthy boundaries and those of others.
Telling everything, will not take away the 'stench' of being enslaved! Love and respect for yourself and being careful with your wonderful name ....will do that.
with love
i dont get it ... one minute we're all mooching along happily and then we get a big wave of insulting horrible behaviour....?.
loz x.
Lady Lee,
"It's a discussion board. And let's face it JWs were not taught how to discuss things. They censor what they say to each other and preach at everyone else. Some still have a lot to learn".
i dont get it ... one minute we're all mooching along happily and then we get a big wave of insulting horrible behaviour....?.
loz x.
There are a lot of words to explain all the why's in life, but Einstein kind of sums things up..........
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is, as though everything is."
this is my own actual experience from about 1967. .
i was sitting in a california kingdom hall, listening to an anoucement that the .
watchtower society was either taking a loan out, or was stretching payments .
The way I heard this story about purchasing very expensive printing presses is this........ It is said that Freddie Franz came up with just an amazing idea for paying for these presses.
Maybe he said "Lets call another big emergency ... another 'end of the world' 1975! Millions will excitedly preach and millions more will come in ... and millions of $$$$$$$ will be made!!!!" And so they did? And the money rolled in?
It is said that, Franz and Knorr calculated, that just as in 1925, although initially the borg lost large numbers of slaves, ...the # of members would rebound even higher later on. And so they did.
Did anyone else hear about this? It could be just a figment of someones imagination, but ...... hmmmm
a jw friend of mine sent me this email today:.
assembly day points...... .
brother morris, (member of the governing body).
Isn't it strange ... attending 'book study' was supposed to be the place we MUST go to when the big A starts, the rendavous for instructions on what to do now! Or else. They cancelled that!!
Now in it's place is the "family worship night", what else could the cult say ...."you must do this ...or die. We warned you!!!" ha ha ha ha ha ha - idiots!
Flipper, just rubbing the sleep from my eyes ... read your comments, eyes blurred and instead of 'Peace out', I thought I read "Watch out, Mr flipper" - what?!!
it s often not imaginable for me, to think that single jws live a life of abstinence.
i mean at the end of the day we are all humans with desires and wishes.
most singles are not trained to be like monks from tibet or stuff.. so what s the secret behind it?
Darn it, ... thanks a lot...I googled it too yaaaaauk!
it s often not imaginable for me, to think that single jws live a life of abstinence.
i mean at the end of the day we are all humans with desires and wishes.
most singles are not trained to be like monks from tibet or stuff.. so what s the secret behind it?
Must be a hellish problem for the young people, after hunger and thirst it's an urge that must be paid attention to! lol It is there for a very compelling reason!
I must say many sexual appetites of single JW's are tempered by Col 3:5 "Deaden your your body members bla bla", actually that scripture just beats them all to he$$! Of course when you deaden one part ... the rest of the body follows suit, maybe that's why so many are in a class of "the walking dead"
Then along came ... AIDS.