Sorry I know this is changing the thread again.........
But after reading the whole thread I felt I had to say thank-you to Bane.
I have believed that the JW were the "truth" for over 25 years, (ex pioneer) and 9 weeks ago started to have doubts. It was only the information in the watchtowers that made me start to doubt.
This site has done nothing but help me in some question I needed answer's too.
Bane by the information that you have given on this site and by your expressions, have left me in no doubt that the JW'S are no longer the "truth"
Bane -you say you count your time on here, but as an ex pioneer myself you have never once (only in your mind) given an affective witness.
Bane you have called these people "scum" may I share a scripture in Matt 12:37 " For by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned"
So again I want to Thank-you Bane for your affective witness and attitude that being a JW is not being in the "Truth"