Topics Started by rawe
by Akid48 inoh buy this is going to be long.i'll be lucky if most of you still remember me its been a really long time since i've posted.
so im 15 now makes me happy because im getting so close to being able to work and being able to make my own money and save it.i've had talks with my family i havent said flat out that i dont care or like this but they have figured out that i dont agree with it,who knows whats that means for the future but i know its most likely going to be something bad.the way i've dealt with this hole shit hole is that i just dont let it get to me.i told myself im not going to let this hole thing ruin my childhood and my chance to make memories and to do things that normal kids can do,and the year i said that is the year ive made so many storys about dumb and fun things i did and that year made me feel like a normal kid and made me feel like nothing was wrong and maybe my life isn't that bad.i know its not smart i know i'll be in big trouble if my aunt or anybody that jw found out about what i was doing could go very wrong,but at this point i dont care even if thats dumb im just not going to let this ruin my time to have fun and be active before i become a adult,alot of stuff went on i mean i diged my own hole have my own girlfriend big red flag to them i have all worldly friends big red flag to them when most of its just me being normal but those two would put me into deep shit.. i know that the hole double life thing is bad to jw's but if any other teenager or kid is on this website i just want to say dont be scared to live a double life,dont be its brought more happiness than i've ever had in years its brought more motivation in my life than anything.its like having the life you should've had yes its hard to get through the loops of dealing with jw's but all the work is worth it.the so called double life is a normal life that you should live so dont feel bad and live the life you should be living.. but im happy to be posting again that first part is my update and the second one is for any kid that is looking around here,i hope you guys are doing good and i hope everybody is fine its good to be back!.
I Came to Bring a Sword
by rawe inwhen i left jws in 2007 i was fairly active in the ex-jw community.
i even hosted one of the meetup groups here in chandler.
when that wound down i joined a local unitarian universalist congregation.
As A Former JW Are You Patriotic At All?
by minimus injehovah’s witnesses were drilled with the idea that all governments are from satan and that we should have nothing to do with anything involving support of the government, voting, or political talk for one party or another.. now that you are out, is patriotism important to you?
is voting important to you?
are you supportive of your country?.
Any Dogs Returning to their Vomit Here?
by Solzhenitsyn ini was wondering if any long time jw's that are now pomo's here on the forum now act in a leadership role within another religious organization?.
i do and would enjoy a bit of conversation with this (i assume minority) "sub-culture" of ex-jw's.
Unky Punky just wanted ...
by punkofnice drop by and say, 'ayup, mates', to you all, my old friends.. i am so totally over the jobo thing i have surprised myself.. if anyone asks, 'what do you think of the jobos?
' my reply would be, 'i don't think of them.'.
all my rage, anger and sadness have dissipated over time.
I think I made up my mind
by paradiseseeker ina month ago i travelled alone to italy for three days and i had the opportunity to visit the beautiful florence and re-visit many parts of rome.. but most importantly, i had the opportunity to stay alone and think about my situation and to make up my mind.. i've had very clear for almost 5 years that i will eventually leave the religion, but i couldn't decide when.. but now i know : i will leave on april 20th, the day after the memorial.. that day i will talk to my parents (this is by far the hardest thing to do) and soon afterwards i will talk to my closest friends, then i will send my disassociation letter.
i know that i will let them down, i will hurt them, most probably some of them will cry... but i need to live coherently for the first time in my life.
i'm sure that living in this contradiction is affecting and will affect my mental health and it's time for me to help myself instead of others.
The Slain of Jehovah
by snugglebunny ini was talking to an old ex-dub friend yesterday.
we hadn't seen one another for 40+ years, so we had a whole wealth of experiences (upbuilding experiences, ha ha!
) to swap.. one of the similar things we'd encountered was parental blackmail to return to the truth, desist from turning our backs on jehovah, get right with jehovah, put our lives in order, etc etc.. each time this involved a much loved dead relative.. mine went along the lines of: .
Memorial Non-Attendance: The Single Most Impactful TTATT Witness to JW Friends & Family
by AMNESIANO inmust read!.
(posted annually since 2014).
notice: the following is submitted in full recognition of and with compassion and due respect for those who, due to personal circumstance, feel they are unable to employ the following powerful strategy.
An atheist sermon on grace (my second UU* sermon)
by rawe ini had a fair bit of fun giving my first ever post-jw religious sermon.
so i asked rev.
andy if he would like me to deliver another.
Events leading to my decision to disassociate
by Roger Kirkpatrick infollowing is a summary of events leading up to my decision to disassociate from jehovah's witnesses and the unforeseen results of that decision.. a young man named joel engardio produced a documentary about jehovah's witnesses called "knocking" which aired nationally on pbs.
i purchased the dvd from joel before it was even released and we exchanged emails.
joel had been raised by his jw mother and had been active in jw activities during his adolescence, but he was never baptized as a jw.