I have no intention of going anywhere, although there has been much effort to push me out, from elders, a circuit overseer, and even from the branch. I've just learned to bite my tongue rather than cast my pearls before swine.
Though i fully agree with so many thing you say, WHY would you stay amoungst hypocrites? As JWfatcs said, you could infact be anywhere with your opinions and still be a good christian..so why stick with the witnesses who you clearly see as people who get many things wrong?
So you stay to get YOUR point accross to them? Or not, you keep your mouth shut...whatever, i am struggling to understand your reasons for staying in a 'religion' that you clearly do not fully accept?
I was brought up a witness and as far as i know, you DO have to accept the teachings of the 'society' and if you do not, you are not a true JEHOVAHS WITNESS.
Advice.. continue being a christian by all means, following christ in a way you feel you can... YOU as an indivdual are NOT going to change the thinking and belief of the Governing Body or Society on a whole, so what exactly is your mission? and can you not just use your energy, love for christ and continue being a decent human being with your relationship with God and Christ in tact because you are not living your life as a hypocrite?
As a JW, you really do have to conform CantLeave, and this is probably why they have tried their best to 'out' you!!! Can you not see this?
You obviously have issue with the authority in the org, so why stay?? This religion is all about Authority?! Tho the bible teaches Christ is head of the congregation, the elders are put in place to exercise the christ like headship, so as a witness, you should actually go along with that?! If you are not going to do this you may as well go your merry way, and continue to be a good person.
I understand people who feel they cannot leave because they do not wish to be shunned, i have been like this for years, but feel that finally after making a decision and not living as a hypocrite, i can be HAPPY!
You simplyl CANNOT pick and choose which bits you want to accept from this organization!!! you have to accept all of it, and that includes the authority of the elders etc... Yes they get things wrong and the 'society' would admit this, but you still have to go along with it ALL!
That would include not being on one of these sites surley?!
I guess my basic point is, you either are a JW or you are not... there is really no halfway house, and this perhaps is the reason you have been made to feel like those in 'authority' want you out!!
Be happy with your relationship with God, stop battling with something you do not fully accept as 'truth'.
Yes they are close to 'truth' even i believe that, but they have clearly got many things wrong in the past... which has even taken people's lives! Therefore i believe it best to stick with your own belief and move on with it. Continue to love God.
"get out of her if you do not want to share with her in her sins"
I hope you do not take offense, i think you are obviously just still very confused and still actually searching... Just BE HAPPY!