I was more blown away in the same article by the statement that destroying the unused frozen embryos is a conscience matter for the matter couple. Hasn't the Society always taught that life begins at conception? Or are they arguing that IVF isn't conception until it's implanted in the womb?
JoinedPosts by Fencing
Question on In Vitro fertilization - quote from 12/15/12 WT
by sd-7 in12/15/12 wt p. 15:.
"in a variation that some term 'embryo adoption,' the embryos placed in a wife's womb involve neither her eggs nor her husband's sperm.
in yet another variation, a married couple's eggs and sperm are fertilized outside the womb by ivf.
The Watchtower Society has come to grips with the futility of D2D preaching
by wasblind inyou don't even have to read between the lines, they say it straight out on their website.
" in many countries, more and more people obtain information online.".
who'd a thunk it .
The door-to-door work has exactly zilch to do with spreading the word. Its only purpose is to keep people busy, tired, embarassed and feeling guilty for not "doing more". All so they pull closer to the herd and do what they're told.
Lies! Lies! Subway Isn't "Footlong"!
by metatron inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/subway-footlong-length-2013-1.
is everything fake these days?.
I'm not surprised... The meat is pretty fake tasting too
At least with the ham, it is. It's nothing more than ham-flavored turkey.
2+2=5 cited this fact about the shrinking amount of elders. Perhaps the coming implosion?
by wha happened? inat the last elders school i heard from a few different attendees that the average age was easily 60+.
there will be a lot of elders gone within the next 10yrs.
there is nowhere near enough young brothers to replace these ageing elders.
He get's cute the third time "Which sisters here would like their husbands to reach out and become a elder?" Over a hundred hands popped up by eager potential women
Yeah, they're all eager about it now, because they have no idea how much their husbands would be taken away from them if they were appointed.
Memorial attendance dropped by about 350,000 from last year.
JUST finished The Gentile Times Reconsidered!
by FaceTheFacts inhaving just finished reading the gtr (4th edition), i've compiled my notes and observations and am composing a comprehensive review/analysis of many sections.
so my question: would anyone be interested in reading and/or participating in a discussion about a number of jonnson's viewpoint?
be assured, it will be of substantial merit and not the typical superficial and remiss arguments you perhaps expect from someone who is a jw.. .
So, FTF... if you're really a Witness, why are you directly disobeying the Slave Class' warnings and directions by engaging in discussion with apostates?
School Shooting - God
by elder-schmelder ingod = loving.
god = all powerfull.
god didn't stop this from happing?.
Religion is, at its core, the grout that fills in the spaces in our understanding of the physical world and a psychological survival mechanism that reduces that discomfort we feel when something we can't comprehend happens.
Thousands of years ago, the sun was a god riding across the sky, and that was an ummutable fact. It had to be, because we had no frame of reference to even begin to comprehend was the sun actually is. But, eventually man's knowledge of the world grew through science and observation, and god retreated.
Just a few centuries ago, sickness was caused by evil sprits, and some people were cured by god through ritual and prayer. Then, we learned about microbes, bacteria and infection and god retreated again.
A side effect of our unique intelligence is that our brains try to find logical patterns in everything we observe. Pattern recognition is how our brains operate every day, from recognizing faces of people we know, to making scientific discoveries. It is the key component in our intelligence. Because of this, we don't like chaos. We don't like randomness. So, when something tragic happens that has no logical reason, no meaning, we try to comprehend it by applying comfortable patterns to it. 20 children shot dead in a random act of violence. Something that is incomprehensible to us. Rather than accept that it just happened for no greater reason than one person's mental instability, we have to try and comfort ourselves by saying that there must be some greater purpose, some higher reason.
God allowed it to happen because...
God needed more little angels...
God is punishing us because...
These beliefs, as flawed as they are, are a salve which soothes our brains, which are working overtime trying to fit an incomprensible event into a pattern we can recognize.
Not everyone needs these beliefs to make sense of things. There are people who can deal with an event like this for what it is. But for those who still can't, it helps to understand why. It's not their fault, its how the brain works. The more understanding we have of the world around us, the more we grow out of it, but we're not quite there yet.
My country is sick
by sabastious inthis is a melancholy day for me.
over the past few years i have been studying american politics and have enjoyed learning perspectives from different ideologies.
i personally lean towards conservative values when it comes to creating legislature, however i am socially liberal.
A good education is always the enemy of groups whose power is based on convincing people to ignore reality.
I'd like to think that all of us, being ex-JWs, would understand that above anything else. Any time you have someone, whether a politician or religious leader, trying to make education more difficult, that should be an immediate red flag that something is not right.
Is Acts 6:9 speaking about freemasons?
by EndofMysteries inacts 6:9 "but certain men rose up of those from the so-called synagogue of the freedman"..
In all seriousness, EndOfMysteries... get some professional help, man. Mental illness is no thing to play around with.
Okay, I admit it. Mormons are WAY weirder than we were
by Fencing inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6udew9axmdm.