How much faith can really be put in Josephus' writings about history, in general? I know his more contemporary subjects are considered very valuable insights into first-century Judaism and Christianity, but he was also writing about things that happened several centuries distant to his lifetime. I can see the value as a sort of window into what first-century Jews thought about their own history, but how accurate has it really been found?
JoinedPosts by Fencing
More bad chronology from the Watch Tower Society
by Jeffro init seems that more often than not, when the watch tower society says something about biblical chronology, they're probably wrong.
this seems to be the case even for uncontroversial matters!
insight on the scriptures volume 1, page 584 states (bold formatting added):.
Carbon dating and the Global Flood - links needed
by wizzstick ini've been using the search function on the site to research this, but a lot of articles seem quite old and there have been some interesting developments in this field of late.. if you're not sure on what carbon dating is have a look at this:
there's an interesting point made in the calibration methods section:
on developments in the last few years.. they highlight the discovery at and how it increased the calibration from 12,593 to 52,800 years.
And you read some nutjob young-earth creationist's blog and now you're an expert on radiological dating methods.
Carbon dating and the Global Flood - links needed
by wizzstick ini've been using the search function on the site to research this, but a lot of articles seem quite old and there have been some interesting developments in this field of late.. if you're not sure on what carbon dating is have a look at this:
there's an interesting point made in the calibration methods section:
on developments in the last few years.. they highlight the discovery at and how it increased the calibration from 12,593 to 52,800 years.
This James Brown person makes my brain burn with the stupid.
Arguments in favor of the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BCE
by TJ Curioso ini received the following explanation in favor of the date of 607 bce.
accepted comments on the points at issue.. .
It would be nice to have informative discussions about 607 without these delusional rantings every single time.
So what IS wrong with higher Education?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inare the governing body, 8 pope-ettes, just jealous?.
what group of people doesn't want their finest minds to be educated?
(facepalm) .
Higher education (typically a 4-year degree or above) teaches you critical thinking skills. They teach you how to correctly and objectively analyze data to come to your own logical conclusions. As opposed to primary education and trade schools (or 2-year degrees) which are more about teaching you a specific skillset, but not necessarily the reasoning behind those skills. In other words, advanced education teaches you how to think for yourself, whereas basic education teaches you *what* to think. Which is why the Society has always allowed for the attendance of trade schools. In fact, the Pew study indicated that Witnesses have one of the highest High School graduation rates in the country, but the lowest college education rates.
Critical Thinking is anathema to the WTS (and, really, all religion because throught history knowledge has always been the enemy of religion) because it eliminates Magical Thinking and faith. I have heard COs say that it is almost impossible to go to a 4-year college and remain a JW afterwards. This is very true, but not for any reaons that the WTS would publically admit - they usually blame parties, drinking, sex, drugs, etc. It's actually because when the Society's teachings are objectively analyzed using proper logical reasoning, the whole thing very quickly falls apart.
Mormons also faced the same problems, but they addressed differently. Instead of demonizing any pursuit of higher education, they created BYU, which Mormons are encouraged to attend for secondary education, where they can continue to be indoctrinated in Mormon theology and be surrounded by other believers who are all being socially pressured to follow the herd.
At what point in the story did WT get it wrong, went off at a tangent?
by prologos inlooking at the bible narrative now, with open mind, the talking snake and all, it is a poorly contrived story.
all these clever people picking up and adding to the thread, the fabric its intriguing, certainly a valued literary work.
fiction.. using this story wt has woven another, parallel account that you would expect to harmonize with it, and hopefully attempt to connect with reality.. in your thinking, where did wt become unhinged, drifted off into total detachment?.
I would say they went wrong as soon as Rutherford took over and he started shifting things towards an authoritarian mindset. Before that, they were a much more free group that encouraged open discussion and sharing ideas. Rutherford's desire to have his own personal "army" to command ended all that.
Valedictorian Rips Up Preapproved Speech, Recites Prayer Instead
by Sam Whiskey inreally proud of this young man for his speech....
Mormons getting hollowed out: The tipping point has occurred.
by Qcmbr inever since mitt romney turned the spotlight on the lds church a growing tsunami of disaffection has been accelerated and brought to a head.. the lds core faithful members are leaving in increasing numbers such that growth has not simply stagnated in the west but it has actively reversed.
to their credit the church is responding aggressively but not only is it too late, it is an impossible task.
you can only paint sh*t so many ways.
It is kind of humorous that they were salivating at the chance of getting one of their own into the White House because their theology calls for it, but getting a candidate into the final two ended up shining a huge spotlight on their weirdness that they were not prepared for and could end up causing vastly more harm.
Encouraging their members go to College was the Mormons first mistake. JW's knew better than to let the the flock get smart enough to see beyond their fear tactics and flimsy doctrines that over and over again fell flat with time.
Aren't they, in the US at least, subtly "encouraged" and expected to go to BYU?
Bethel Speaker- get rid of Facebook!
by Kensho inspecial assembly day (sad) bethel speaker ( a very good speaker i might add) in his talk " follow your spirit-directed conscience gave example of and elder and his family.
he noticed his wife and daughter spending a lot of time morning noon and night on facebook, it almost seemed like that is all they did, so as a spiritual head decided to see what they were constantly looking at, "let me see what you are spending so much time looking at on facebook said the elder".
the wife explained this is how we keep in contact with the "friends", elder started to look at her page and she was correct, there he found friends in the cong.
So I guess I can expect half of the Witnesses on my facebook page to up and disappear all of the sudden, and then pop back up again in about a year, after the guilt complex wears off? Same as happens with movies, books, video games, etc.?
The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]
by Simon inuncensored discussions and information for anyone interested in the advocates for awareness of watchtower abuses or 'aawa' (previously known as "the association of anti-watchtower activists and how it's handled and responded to privacy issues and put people at risk:.
aawa is here!!
(the association of anti-watchtower activists)an invitation to a new effort- aawawhy when i logged onto aawa did it go to facebook ?in regards to aawaaawa - every generation needs a new revolution - thomas jeffersonnotice how the introduction of the aawa has brought out the loonies lately?will aawa become another cult?
Facebook is quite literally the WORST possible social platform to do anything you're trying to keep "secret". The group system is a sick joke, that has been controversial ever since they introduced a couple years ago. You have abosolutely no control over what groups you get added to, because anyone who is in your friends list can chose to add you to a group without your permission. Not "invite" you, ADD you so that you are a full member of that group. And even if the group is private, the fact you're now a member of that group will show up in your timeline, unless you've specifically locked down your timeline and profile so no one - not even friends - can see anything.
Also, Facebook has a long history of randomly changing privacy settings and outing things that you had previously put private. They want everything you post to be public, because it increases search hits and makes it more valuable to advertisers. This is why they deliberately make privacy settings convoluted and confusing. Facebook is not concerned about your privacy, at all. It's literally contrary to their revenue goals.
The rule of thumb is this: ANYTHING you post on Facebook should be considered public, even if you think you've locked it down. But unfortunately, people just don't understand this and will continue to get embarrassed by Facebook.