TEC: snipped....You brought the point out against believers, and I just wondered if you saw that atheists do the same thing in their arguments....snipped
My main reason for joining in this thread was the statement that the evidence provided by party ‘A’ is not accepted by party ‘B’ because the evidence isn’t 'good' enough. I attempted to explain that it’s not just a matter of arbitrarily saying ‘it’s not good enough’ and therefore I reject your claim. Instead, for many atheists, a systematic approach is utilized to determine the validity of the claim or assertion. Of course, not everyone engages in this manner. I personally believe in the rigor of scrutinizing any claim to the best of my ability so that I’m fully satisfied that I’m not being duped. Name calling is just superfluous in my opinion.
TEC: snipped....As to the Filchers... what makes these reasons an authority on what constitutes a good argument?...snipppedAssigning a supposed authority to this test seems odd to me. It has no more authority than asking a simple question to extrapolate more information. It’s merely a systematic approach that has been proven to be useful. It’s a tool. There are all sorts of hammers in any given tool box. The end result is what is important - is the claim reasonably valid or not. The evidence/non-evidence exposed and identified by applying the FiLCHeRS (or other methods) is what drives the test.
Twitch - You're welcome! (From a fellow Canuck)