Atheists are as trustworthy as rapists

by rebel8 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    So say the xian participants in studies described in a recently published article in a professional journal.


    distrust of atheists generalized even to participants from more liberal, secular populations. A description of a criminally untrustworthy individual was seen as comparably representative of atheists and rapists but not representative of Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, feminists, or homosexuals

    News article

    "It’s pretty shocking that we get the same magnitude of distrust towards atheists simply because they don’t believe [in God],” said the researcher, who is himself an atheist. “With rapists, they’re distrusted because they rape people. Atheists are viewed as sort of a moral wild card.”

    Another among the six studies found people are more likely to hire someone for a job that requires high levels of trust, such as a daycare worker, if they believe they are religious. They would hire atheists for a low trust job, such as a waitress, the study found.

    The levels of distrust were more pronounced among respondents who said they were religious, said Mr. Gervais. One of the studies measured how much people thought believing God is watching makes you a better person...

    “The fact that we’re still finding fairly large and shocking results, such as morally equating rapists and atheists, is pretty remarkable,” he said.

    A forthcoming set of his studies suggests prejudice against atheists can be reduced if people are reminded of other non-religious behaviour-monitoring authorities, such as the police, judges and the courts, Mr. Gervais said.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, speaking of the trustworthiness of those that say they are Christians, I believe Bill Maher nails it:

  • rebel8

    I think he needs to re-read his bible.

  • botchtowersociety
  • tec

    Yeah, seemed very flawed to me. Very leading, actually.

    I don't give these studies much credit in the first place, because its too easy to draw conclusions on a flawed premise or group. But I think this one was really bad.



  • yourmomma

    being "religious" means absolutly nothing to me. while i love bill maher, i dont look down on people who are religious, but the idea that being religious somehow makes it less likely for you to commit hanus acts is a flat out myth. you could even make the argument that a person who boasts of being a fundy xian, is someone i would look at more closely because many times the fundy xians are hiding a dark secret.

  • tec

    That was really good, OTWO. I have to say I agree with just about everything Maher just said; if not everything.



  • AGuest

    People are people (may you all have peace!). Their religious/spiritual beliefs... or lack thereof... have no bearing on what they will/will do. Judas Iscariot not only believed Christ was the Son of God... he KNEW it. He saw everything the other disciples saw. He knew who he was betraying, whcih is why he couldn't live with himself afterward (what was the point, really?).

    It is those who ascribe to the poles of both who pass such judgments ("atheists are/don't/do... christians are/don't/do"). Praise JAH... for the middle... where flesh and spirit, the physical and the spiritual... exist together. True, they "fight" one another... but only as to and within the individual. Not without and never as to others.


    A slave of Christ,


  • xchange

    Can someone point out exactly why this study is flawed?

  • hamsterbait

    Oh well - As for religious people who can be trusted with children - look at all the priests, elders, altar boys, who molest their charges.


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