Thanks, Zid, for the message boost! I appreciate it.
BrotherDan, sorry to hear your wife issued such an ultimatum. I"m surprised tho, since divorce is only allowed in JW eyes when there's been adultery. I wish I could plant seeds, but really he's so enamored at this time (he's been baptized only 2 years) that nothing will shake him. My sister did give him CoC to read once, and he went on and on about apostate literature. He's really not at a point where he's willing to look at it critically, he's too "happy" with it.
Things we have in common... um...well alot of that vanished when he started studying again. Social and political ideals, common interests. Well the WTS's literature made him decide he didn't hold to those ideas or enjoy such things anymore. Or that he shouldn't. Really the thing we have in common the most right now - is um, between the sheets, and I worry about that going too.
Garyneal - loving her/him for who s/he is... Good in concept, but hard in practice (which you did illustrate). I loved him for who he was, now I just don't really know who he is, in alot of ways. I mean, sometimes I feel like I love him out of habit, more than anything else.
I guess for me, I cope by discovering who I am and not being ashamed to express my true self around her or other J-dubs. It is not my responsibility to police who I am around them because of their beliefs.
That's a smart thing. I've usually kept mum around them, but really they don't do that around me, why should I with them? Well, I guess in part because I don't want them to start "witnessing" to me, but still I should not keep myself under wraps, should I?
I don't know, in lots of ways our getting married was due to JW (we were just committed to each other, prior to that, but you can't knock on doors and be "living in sin"), so in some ways I do resent it. IN our best days, I think we can get through this, in our worst (like after a DC or CA when he's all holier than thou and refreshed in his "spiritualness"), I wonder if I shouldn't just find some person to sleep with and so end it decisively.