While I'm always game for a party - I don't care for the massive commercialism that goes with the various holidays. Too many people focused on things rather than on loved ones. So I jive with about half your opening post, V...
JoinedPosts by Libelle
If you don't give a s**t about celebrating, feel free to post here.
by VampireDCLXV ini'll just come out and say it... i don't give a f**k about my birthday.
it's only a painful reminder that i'm one year closer to my grave.
i'm not here to pick a fight with those who do celebrate.
What if JWs are right?!?
by brotherdan ini know this is a pointless question, but what if this happened:.
you came home from work one day, sat down, and turned on the tv.
there is a sudden announcement that the un has banned all religion.
And the UN just doesn't have that much power...
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
Thanks all!
Hahaha Outlaw... I wonder if there's a Rutherford action figure I can decapitate...
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
Thanks everyone so much!! It might sound silly, but it means alot to me!
A couple of years ago, I did invite some JW's to my combination birthday/equinox party. They never showed, though... wonder why? haha
Bethel Rules
by brotherdan inthis was brought up just in passing on another thread.
but i wanted to see if there are any bethelites or ex bethelites that remember some of the crazy rules we had to follow when we were there..
Wow, The Mr usually tells me he wants me to go with him to Bethel because it will be the convincer in my turning JW... uh-huh. He's appealling to my "communal farm fantasy" (that oddly enough alot of UU's and Pagans that I know have). He thinks it's a picture of perfect harmony.
Ah well, can't go, I don't wear dresses... shame.
I cannot believe the BS that goes on in that place. Sorry for all of you who had to suffer through it.
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
I don't know, Syl, she's kinda cute.
Thanks PSac, for the wishes and the sentiment.
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
You sure did Syl... And hey, I'm ok with a beer fairy too. Fortunately, I'll be seeing my brother - the beer guru of the family - tonight.
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
Aww thank you everyone! I appreciate it alot. I was feeling a bit bummed since there's no celebratory anything from The Mr. this morning, and no one at work remembered either... boohoohoo. Thankfully my pops is giving me a little party and most of my siblings should be there. Like it or not, I'm at least taking my little toddler, too. Thanks for the cake, the presents and the gorgeous damselfly picture! Those are my favorite with their blue-green metallic bodies and almost black velvety wings... Man it makes me miss the days when I worked out in the rivers and they'd fly all over decorating the landscape or just land gently on your shoulder...
Wish I could drink up tonight, but work tomorrow, so maybe this weekend. I will be going to the big local fest for the equinox Sat, so that should be good. :)
Again, thanks so much, it means alot to me!
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
I turn 35 today - since The Mr. won't be celebrating with me - I thought I'd announce it here!
Ladies - Have you ever thought about shaving your head - all off?
by Lady Lee ini've thought about it.
when i first moved to ottawa i knew a woman who had shaved all her hair off and had tattoos all over her head - bizarre but interesting.. a few actresses have done it and they look fabulous although not all do and i doubt most men would love it.. for you fellows that shave bald - why do ou like it.
avi had an awesome avatar of him shaved bald -- so sexy looking.
I contemplate it all the time. I'd love the freedom, but hate the look. So on it stays.