Damn - crossposted.
Yeah, Gary, I guess I have to suck it up and realize I'm not the norm. I'm the breadwinner, The Mr works PT from home and does alot of the day-to-day parenting heavy work. The Mr and I freely exchange nearly all household chores - with the exception of laundry for me, and since he's the contractor he does the household renovations. And he is way, way, WAY better with the kids than I am.
Yes I have heard of the ERA, and all that went down with it, I wish it had passed. And though I don't agree with the draft at all, I figure if you're going to draft, draft all abled bodied, that means including women. But I know that's just not the normal view.
Some of the women I dated in years past would not find any problem saying something along the lines of, "My goal is to find a nice man who can take good care of me." That clashes with my whole perspective of men and women being equals. Women seem to have no problem saying that around men but let a man say that around women.
Yeah, I cringe when I hear women say that. For one, they know not how badly that can bite them in the butt, and for two, um, staying home with the kids is not exactly a picnic! Also, truly, some men are better at parenting, that's just how it is. Well, from my perspective- it would be nice if more dads could stay at home. I'm all for that. I never understood the stay-at-home-spouse (sans kids) unless there's a farm or something along those lines to take care of.
Oh well, it is the culture and I've learned to that if I need to cry, I cry alone. Got to show strength at all times, you know
I'm sorry to hear that. Man, I suppose I better hush up, because in alot of ways I'm showing my privilege here. It wasn't but a few weeks into my relationship when I first saw The Mr cry, and he me - for different reasons, and we both haven't felt the need to can up our emotinos. I'm so sorry you aren't made to feel you can show your emotions. Everyone should be able to express emotions. Plus, I patently disagree with the concept that strong means emotion-free. It's just pushed somewhere else, really.