The big increase for the 2009 SY, especially in the USA, was unusual. It's likely the increase this year was back to being a much more modest one. But the December or November KM highlights for the U.S. would be for July and August. Any new peak in Publishers for the U.S. would be mentioned there. Does anyone have the November KM yet?
I'd guess the fact that they gave no mention at the Annual Meeting of statistics for the US is that there was not much to brag about. This year's increase is likely a small one.
The WT for over 100 years published the chart in each Jan. 1 issue. More recently it was moved to the Feb. 1 issue then no longer published in the WT but the KM included the chart in a 4 page insert. Then that too was done away with.
But there was a big increase in the monthly figures for the magazines. The w went up from 39,600,000 to 42,162,000 and g went up from 38,451,000 to 39,919,000. Are there more pioneers? Why such a big jump?
Does anyone else find the figure for the w to me misleading? I say this because in the public w it says: Printing each issue: 42,162,000 . This makes you think it is for the public edition only and the study edition has an additional amount. the study edition gives no number printed. But the 42,162,000 is the TOTAL figure for the w for the month including the study edition. they should reword it to: Monthly printing, not EACH ISSUE.
I always thought the publisher figures were conservative because many publishers do not bother to report their fs and there are alot of countries where publishers can't report or only limited numbers of reports get through such as in China.
Does anyone remember when they used to print the edition figures in the books and update the number each year? then beginning in 2005 they did away with that and put instead 2010 printing, etc. Why do you think they want to keep the production numbers secret?