I usually say something to the effect of, "I believe the truth. Jesus said he is the truth and that there is one truth. JWs say they are the truth. Who is lying?" I wrote about the the repeated demands of worship by the Society in my paper "Do Christians Have Human Leaders?" Maybe you can find some talking points in it. Don't expect a lot, though. JWs are the modern equivalent of the Flat Earth Society.
JoinedPosts by WontLeave
Running into a brick wall- conversations without logic
by Joey Jo-Jo ini had this experience with a family member, lets say you say something against the witnesses doctronic and they dont say anything back, you ask them why are you not replying and they say "well you dont believe in us anymore".. what should i say back, something that wont offend them but goes straight to the point, you see they dont want to use their brains, they just want to listen at their halls about the end and apostates and how special they are and how false the rest of the world is and how they are the only true religion that follow the commandment to preach.
but it does not matter what i say, doesn't matter how big it is it seems to have the reverse effect, it was alot easier before but now a conversation comes which they dont like they shun my conversation, yet they show me love, they dont touch whats the big issue, the big problem which is communication, and they maybe expected me to wake up, go back to the hall like nothing ever happen, like preaching is only for people who like what they hear.
im babling on but you get the idea.. .
I decided not to go back to the KH
by Bucholz inwell, as i mentioned before in one of my few other posts, i've been lurking here for some time now and finally decided it was time to face the facts and take action.. i was raised a jw (4th generation) and my parents were quite zealous when they got married.
mom was a regular pioneer and dad was a ms. i was the little jw 'rockstar' in my congregation, got baptized at 10, was giving talks and serving as an attendant at the hall and at conventions at such an early age.
auxiliary pioneered whenever i could.
falsegod is correct. JWs were started by CT Russell. You should check out the Pentecostal church falsegod attends, because it was started by escapees from an insane asylum after they'd ingested near-lethal doses of LSD. Not even the venom from the snakes they handled could hurt them after that episode. Once in a while a flashback or a result from heavily-damaged brain cells will cause them to speak unintelligibly or fall down and shake on the ground, but they just attribute that to Holy Spirit, so it's okay.
Dont you guys just love how the mainstream media still refers to the kingdom hall as a chruch anways ;)
by Joliette in....whenever i hear a news story about jw's, and when the news reporter refers to a kingdom hall as a chruch...too funny!!!.
i cant post any videos in google chorm, i'll have to post some in internet explorer..
I still call it a church and always have, since I started attending. Any time a JW confronts me on it, I tell them to get a dictionary. I'm not exactly sure why a Kingdom Hall isn't a church, even in their delusional minds. Any Mormon temple is a church, any mosque, any cathedral, any chapel, etc.
- a building for public and especially Christian worship
- a body or organization of religious believers
This falls into the subject of JW jargon. Most cults have their own dialect; control language and you control thought, a la 1984. Have people constantly on the defense and apologizing and you can whip the will out of them and make them into robots. This is thought-stopping behavior to muddy the waters with specious and tedious details; a method to control the conversation by force.
I love when JWs who don't know me come to my door (I don't live in my territory). I refer to them and the building as "church" many times in conversation. It drives them crazy and a couple times one has corrected me only to be bulldozed by the other. Since I know what's going on, I realize one has jumped the gun with the cult crap and the other is trying to stop them from sabotaging a potential convert by letting the cult cat out of the bag too soon.
Ex-JW Bumper Stickers
by Tuesday inhey folks,.
i made some t-shirts a while ago that alot of people really liked but understandably dropping $20 for a t-shirt is a bit much so i figured i'd throw some bumper stickers up that are alot cheaper with some of the designs in case anyone wanted to get some cool stickers for their cubes at work or to actually put on their car.. this is the apostate design that everyone really liked now on a bumper sticker:.
You've got a PM, Tuesday.
I hate JW jargon!!! (Alternatives please!)
by VampireDCLXV inall of us who have any ties to the jws know that they have their own vernacular, their own slang.
sure, there are formal titles that we can't really get away from: pioneer, ministerial servant, elder, ______ overseer, governing body, the (watchtower) society, etc.
but there are plenty of other bits of parlance they use that i can do without.... for example:.
I love torturing other JWs by saying things like:
- Last Supper
- Old/New Testament
- John the Baptist (even though the NWT uses it, they hate it)
Whenever they'd get freaked out, I'd simply tell them those things already had names long before JWs came along and there's no point in making up new ones, because that makes us sound like a cult full of weirdos.
I also refuse to call the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society "the faithful and discreet slave". I also refuse to use "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses". It's like the nuttier they get, the longer the names for things become: "coordinator of the body of elders"? Really? When someone in my Hall came to me and was all excited about the "new light" of changing the name of the "presiding overseer", I dryly and sarcastically said "Thank God". They slunk away and never shared their excitement over the pedantic obsession with man-made tripe again; which was my goal.
Lakers Kobe Bryant -- blood procedure puts him at DF risk?
by FatFreek 2005 init may be a month old news but we're just hearing it.
citing four unidentified sources familiar with the situation, the los angeles times on friday reported that the lakers superstar had a procedure about a month ago that is a derivation of platelet-rich plasma therapy.
prp procedures are less invasive than many surgeries involving the knee.
It would probably depend greatly on one's political clout, whether from personal donations to Watchtower or familial ties with someone in a high position. An arbitrary decision that resulted in a celebrity losing his life would probably make news, as well.
Need Opinions -- Engaged to a JW!!
by junebug_11 inok, quick run down of my situation.. .
1. i am not religious.
my now-fiance was raised jw but left the religion about 10 years ago.. 2. we started dating last march, i got pregnant within two weeks.
One more thing: You're probably not missing anything by not having sex with a JW man. They're notoriously selfish and clueless. They'll use "headship" and "submission" to get whatever they want, then retreat to prudish, extra-Biblical Watchtower rules of "morality" to get out of doing anything for the women.
Ooh... Car analogies. Here's one:
Imagine you went to a car dealer and the salesman told you nothing but wonderful things about a certain model and got you interested in buying it. You tell the salesman you want to go home and do some research on the car. The salesman warns you not to research it online, only read reviews of the car written by the car's manufacturer, and - for the love of God - don't listen to any former owners of the car because they're all batshit crazy and demonic. What is the likelihood of that car salesman being honest about his assessment of the car?
My Trip to the Unitarian Universal Church
by NewChapter inso, pretty much i no longer care to believe in a god.
but, either because of my 20 years in a jw daze, or because humans just desire this, i miss the community.
so, i went to a unitarian church this morning.
Tolerance is one thing, but if I want that kind of diversity of thought and belief, there's already a place I can go for that; it's called "anywhere". I mean, any random gathering of people will do, so what's the point in having a church where nobody believes anything and everybody believes everything? While I don't buy into the Theosophy religion, I love their slogan:
No religion is higher than truth.
Several mutually-exclusive beliefs is not truth; it's religious pandemonium. I don't see the point in meeting together, if there is no goal or desire for anyone there to seek a plausible truth. If you're looking for somewhere nobody will care what crazy things you want to believe, you can stay home and do that. UU just sounds like a club for people who have a sociological need to have people accept their ideas. They lack the confidence in their beliefs for them to stand on their own, without outside confirmation.
This is the kind of "spiritual" discussion to be had in a circle of stoners smoking out. Please forgive me for not being interested in such a pointless waste of time. I already avoid meetings and conventions because I don't learn anything from them and they don't motivate me. Church services, in general are pointless except for brainwashing into the cult's/denomination's ideology. Remove that and there's nothing left, which is a UU church.
to the making of many books is worrisom!
by TheLoveDoctor into the making of many books is worrisome as the bible says yet the last time we received a ypa book it was 2008 volume 1, 2 now this weekend we received volume 1 revised.
wow and so many are excited about us killing so many trees to repeat the same thing over and over again.
i need to vent a bit and could easily get on to many issues of wtbts and its goober body.
I've actually used this very scripture to reject reading all the crap they print. Many an elder and other "concerned" JW who have tried to get me to engage in the same self brain-washing they perform has been met with this and a few other choice scriptures about obsessing over human interpretation and adding to Scripture.