Jesus' followers couldn't be part of the Pharisees' teachings, either. But they stayed in the temple and synagogues, where they could preach to their "brothers". The people were skinned and thrown about (abused by their human overlords), just like JWs. They need help. While I realize the rank and file JW has no authority or say, neither did the apostles. They had to take the initiative to speak the truth, human authority be damned. Jesus warned that would get us thrown out of the synagogues, eventually. That's what I'm waiting for. I don't recall seeing any reward or reason for pride from walking away, but that's just my take on the subject.
JoinedPosts by WontLeave
Well I have a choice to make
by Igot2bme inthe elders came today without any notice and visited with me.
they told me that my mother in law said i didn't want to have anything to do with the witnesses anymore.
i said yes i did say that and then i laid it all out for them why i felt that jehovah god wasn't with them.
Why Arguments and Debates on the Trinity are a Waste of Time
by AllTimeJeff inthis isn't meant to be a shit stirring topic, just a thought or two, a memory really, from my jw days.
because i know i have more experience then most on debating the veracity of the trinity..... there are two camps, people of faith, and people of math.. people of faith will always be more convinced of the trinity every day, because for the most part, the teachers of the trinity are very up front about the fact that it is a mystery.. so the more you point out how illogical it is, the more a mystery the trinity becomes, and thus, it also becomes more real.
Actually, trinitarians are the most notorious for changing the definition of trinity. It's a weasely doctrine that is harder to pin down than tomato soup, because it varies from denomination to denomination, church to church, individual to individual, and moment to moment. Just when they say something you can destroy with Scripture, they change what the words they used mean and deny they actually said what they just said. Show them the definition of trinity, as set by the Athanasian Creed and not a single trinitarian will agree that's what they believe. This definition (the real definition of the trinity) is what the Society uses. The churches have given up trying to push that ridiculous pile and have changed to some ever-morphing definition. No two trinitarians believe the same thing. Hell, no ONE trinitarian believes the same thing. That's why you can't argue with them. Every time you prove them wrong, their position changes in some 1984 way to have always been something other than what you just demonstrated is Scripturally impossible. And I'm not the first to notice this.
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus. If it could be understood it would not answer their purpose. Their security is in their faculty of shedding darkness, like the scuttlefish, thro' the element in which they move, and making it impenetrable to the eye of a pursuing enemy, and there they will skulk. - Thomas Jefferson
WT: "Don't watch news items featuring witnesses!"
by cedars inhi everyone, yet another analysis of a recent watchtower i'm afraid.
this one's a little closer to home, as it concerns apostates.
yes - i'm referring to the forthcoming article "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?
Keep track of this definition for "apostates":
They'll deny they ever said this, even though it's how they believe they use it. An "apostate" is one who leaves any religion (true or false), but JWs use it in a pejorative way, to incite an emotional response. This way, if any rejection of true worship can be demonstrated, the JWs have painted themselves into a corner, admitting apostasy. Rejecting YHWH's Passover for the day before (Nisan 14) comes to mind. JWs openly reject the commonly-accepted day (Nisan 15, which is Scripturally accurate), despite thousands of years of it being correctly celebrated.
My bf said me too fat for this dress!
by mrmusicmr inpic of me.
the picture is way recent.
from the last two weeks.
...and dm6 goes in for the score. Why do some people turn everything online into a sex chat site? Putting the moves on a spammer. Wow.
Do you still call it The Truth"?
by mamamo ini spent sometime with a fellow ex jw yesterday.
we had grown up in the same congregation and left within a few years ago.
she referred to it as "the truth.
I never used that term. Jesus said he was the truth and JWs trying to usurp that standing is offensive to me.
Literacy and eternal salvation
by dgp inchristianity began (or so goes the claim) as a group of mostly illiterate and poor fishermen.
most people were illiterate at the time.
so, the god of that religion, then, did not require that you be literate in order to be saved.
While the majority of JWs even in 3rd-world countries might be literate in the purest sense of the word, I've noticed even in the US, most JWs are functionally illiterate. While they can technically read the words on a page, they don't have enough of a cognitive grasp to understand the sense of it. This is why the Society can use a Bible passage that, in no way, shape, or form, supports the point their magazine article is trying to make. Mat 24 is chopped up, scrambled, and parts thrown out, yet most JWs don't even notice, even if they've read it 100 times. Acts 15 is used to establish a point diametrically opposed to the actual events recorded.
JWs put their faith in the opinions of the Governing Body, because they have no clue why they believe the things they do. JWs don't know why they believe Babylon fell in 607 BC. They don't know why they don't celebrate birthdays. They don't know why the Memorial is held on Nisan 14, when Passover is on Nisan 15. They don't know why they believe in "overlapping generations". They don't know why they believe Jesus has been ruling invisibly since 1914. And these have been spelled out over and over and over again.
Even if the beliefs are pure BS, they've been explained exhaustively, but JWs acutely lack reading comprehension. They have no clue what the Bible says or what the Watchtower says. They just believe what they're told to believe and leave understanding to "the men at the top". I've actually been told, by a pioneer, in just so many words "Isn't understanding the faithful and discreet slave's job?" I was mortified. They're flaming retards and that's why they can be convinced the "Theocratic" "Ministry" "School" (wrong on all counts) is equal to a college education. I've known people who get all Gs on the TMS and they're complete ignoramuses.
WT Nov. 1, 2011 (public) - When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed - Part 2
by AnnOMaly inout now.. yes, yes, yessssss!
on p. 26-27 they talk about how the lunar positions on vat 4956 fit 588/7 bce!!!.
"clearly, much of the astronomical data in vat 4956 fits the year 588 b.c.e.
Once again, I believe there is a subversive group at Bethel who fly this stuff under the radar of the GB. The doddering old fools are so completely enraptured with their self-idolatry, they don't even see the damage over-the-top articles can have. The powers that be are so over-the-top themselves, they see the crazy talk in some of these red-flag-raising articles as perfectly okay. I believe certain WT writers are taking advantage of this self-delusion and messiah complex to warn people in the WBTS's own literature, and the egomaniacal old nutters don't even notice. When JWs really say what they believe, it scares people away; and that's exactly what some of these articles do. The fact that this one is in the public edition is the cool part. Usually, the really cultish stuff is saved for the people who can be coerced into buying it.
WT Nov 1, 2011 SEX - Ten Questions About Sex Answered
by St George of England in(11) what is the wts view on oral sex?.
what questions would you like answered?.
What is the WTS view on Oral sex?
Anyone who cares is an idolater.
If Jesus said to not look on a woman with passion how the Hell does anyone Marry.
It's clear the way Jesus meant this, translating the Koine as "woman" is incorrect. The same word means "wife" and the text reveals Jesus is speaking of "adultery" in one's heart; not "fornication". One should not continue lusting for another man's wife. Obviously, Solomon looked longingly at his object of desire for quite some time. If the word had actually meant "woman", wouldn't this include a man's own wife? She would be a woman, after all. The understanding of this scripture by radical nutcase religions is laughable at best.
How should I respond to a JW friend? (Australia)
by summerinvincible insorry if this isn't the right place to post this - brand new member here.. i recently caught up with an old friend who is a jw.
she's been witnessing to me, and i've accepted all her handouts because i don't want to hurt her feelings.
but now she's asking me for my "thoughts" about what i've read so far.
No "good" JW will find an honest answer to this question, because that information is only contained in "apostate" literature (pre-1950 Watchtowers). The literature lies, JWs lie. All they care about is the promotion of the cult and whatever BS it's pushing this month. She can't look up the truth and nobody will tell her the truth, on this subject. The "Ministry of Truth" (from Orwell's 1984) has made sure that information is out of reach of JWs. The only way she'll find the real answer to that question is to openly rebel against her JW overlords and the vast majority of JWs are too brainwashed and braindead to do that.
Do you give to beggars?
by jean-luc picard ini have seldom given money to beggars.
i have often thought that many are people who just do not want to work.
however, i am starting to wonder if i ought to: and how much to give?.
Unless you live in a third-world country, there are programs in place that keep people from actually being hungry. Anyone claiming to be begging for food money is lying. There are also homeless shelters. The problem most "homeless" have with the shelters is they have requirements for staying there: Job searching, drug screens, sobriety, etc. If they are "homeless", it's because they've chosen to be. Their addictions take precedence to their personal and family responsibilities. Giving someone like that money only encourages the lifestyle they're in. Unless they are allowed to crash and burn, they will never give up that path. You think you're being nice by giving them money, but all you're really doing is buying them drugs. And if you give them "necessities", all you do is save them money on those things, which they will spend on drugs. You can't help someone who refuses to help themselves. In fact, you're exacerbating their addiction by being an enabler.
Anyone who invokes "Christianity" as an excuse to buy themselves a warm, fuzzy feeling for pocket change; you're an idiot. Jesus said to help the widows and orphans in a society where they really would starve to death without help. Women and children are very well cared for in industrialized societies. Granted, being a ward of the state isn't an optimum life, but they definitely will not go hungry or cold. These are not the people you see begging.
The handicapped are well provided for, as far as necessities go, as well. You'll find that most beggars are able-bodied men who could easily be working. Now that the economy has taken a downturn, there are more than ever riding the wave of guilt and ignorance, hanging out in Wal-Mart parking lots, begging. The truth is, jobs are still to be had, but people refuse to work. Good help is impossible to find. You'll see beggars at gas stations, claiming to have run out of gas. They'll invoke a baby or child, claiming to be out of baby food or diapers. These people are not going to the welfare office, because they are liars and the welfare office will demand proof of their claims.
You want a cheap, warm, fuzzy feeling? Go volunteer at an animal shelter or be a big brother/sister for some real victims that didn't create their own problems. Or is that too much effort? 5 seconds of your time and $1 in change is all you're willing to invest, then act like you're saving the world? Don't make me puke.