Sadly, the more ignorant someone is, the more they cling to their "beliefs". More people need to stop believing and start knowing, and knowing requires information rather than just picking what you wish to believe and looking for websites that promote that belief. I saw a quote recently that I liked - I believe it was from Abraham Lincoln: "Once a man forms a theory, he sees evidence for it everywhere he looks." Conspiracy theorists do it, Evolutionists do it, theists do it - and actively seeking "proofs" while summarily rejecting or avoiding any disproof only polarizes someone even more.
The way I look at it, I don't have a dog in the race: I didn't write the Bible, the Q'ran, Book of Mormon, Origin of Species, etc... I just want to know. Knowing is difficult and arduous, with all the agendas. Reading through the BS, spin, and propaganda requires a lot more effort than the vast majority of people are willing to expend. But, maybe that's a choice each must make: Know about life or have a life, because there isn't enough time in the day to do both. So, most just pick a belief system that fits their lifestyle, run with it, and hope for the best.
Far too many people seem to fall at the opposite end of the spectrum, though. People who know absolutely nothing and cling militantly to their beliefs, while demanding all around them adopt those same beliefs. The more ignorant and brainwashed someone is, it seems the more angry and demanding that one is. It's as if somewhere in their minds, they know they look stupid, but elevating one's self is a lot more difficult than bringing others down to your level. In cases where they refuse to adopt our belief, simply deluding ourselves to the knee-jerk reaction that person is "a goat", "arrogant", "infidel", "apostate", "stupid", "redneck theist", etc. is more pleasing to the ego than admitting our argument was unpersuasive.
The reality is, most people we encounter have chosen their belief system by what fits their lives and they really don't feel like taking the time and effort to completely reassess that belief unless something major happens in their lives to shake that foundation. Something happened in my life that made me doubt everything I'd been spoon-fed and put me on a "journey of enlightenment". Sometimes that happens, but most will simply be repelled to what they feel is "the other side" of whatever dichotomy they perceive and settle into another belief system that fits their current mindset and move on with life.