I've changed a lot. When I first posted I was a questioning, but still kind-of active JW. I was irregular and was starting to face the doubts and questions that had longed nagged at me. My first thread, I was accused of being a troll because I was so wishy-washy. Admitting that there were problems with the WT teachings yet trying to excuse it.
Once I crossed that line to actually accepting the facts unveiled in my research, it was a pretty quick change over to full on apostate thinking and posting.
I've changed quite a bit in real life as well. I no longer adhere to rules, principles or morals as prescribed by the WTS. I've left it behind and made new "worldly" friends and live life as I see fit. To be honest, I went overboard with the new found freedom, but like a college kid first enjoying freedom, I soon found my limits and reined in my excesses to that which I could tolerate and enjoy without adverse effects to me or others.
For all intents and purposes I am no longer a JW, though not officially DFd/DAd. I'm working on freeing my wife (somewhat successful so far) so I pick and choose my battles, but as more time goes by it is apparent that I have left the religion behind and no longer adhere to it...or want to.