Evolution is how we got here.
Demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.
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evolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
Evolution is how we got here.
Demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.
Demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below.
this is an amazing video presentation delivered by a competent speaker.. https://youtu.be/-efxcobj1vk.
This is an amazing video presentation delivered by a competent speaker.
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
Oops, typo...that's 1928, not 1828 for the 7th trumpet.
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
I thought the first resurrection began in the spring of 1918 and the 7th trumpet sounded in 1828 in Detriot, Michigan.
Revelation Its Grand Climax at Hand p. 173.
Just shows you the WTS can make the Bible say anything it chooses.
i've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's.
however, i do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as i have several close relatives who are devout.
i rely on this site to keep me updated.. over the weekend i learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial.
Scripturally speaking, there is no such a thing as a Christian who is not anointed or born again or indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9
Imagine that, according to the WTS, there could not have been more than 130,000 faithful Christians that lived from the first century to the 20th. The so called innumerable nonanointed only began being called in the 20th century...since they are described as going through the final/great tribulation preceding Armageddon. And this group was only discovered when light flashed from heaven in 1935 @ a convention in Washington DC. If the average age of the conventioners then was 35, the average age of these Watchtowerites today would be 119.
Seems the WT likes to paint itself into corners.
i've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's.
however, i do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as i have several close relatives who are devout.
i rely on this site to keep me updated.. over the weekend i learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial.
The only way to salvage the silly 144,000 doctrine is to get new light regarding the symbolic nature of this group.
This is probably the so called big change that is hanging in the wings. New light on the 144,000 would not only explain all the recent additions to the anointed but also the overwhelming number of men and women who were martyred prior to 1914 for their Christian faith.
Why is it that Jehovah provides new light only when current doctrine becomes untenable?
jehovah’s witnesses imprisoned for their faith—by location.
locations where jehovah’s witnesses are put in prison, sometimes under harsh conditions, for practicing their faith and exercising basic human rights.. .
others are imprisoned for their conscientious objection to military service.. watchtower society: please don't lecture anyone on the denial of basic human rights when you take away the rights of disfellowshipped family members associating with their family and friends!.
Rights are pretty slippery items.
Girls here have the right to an education but not in some Middle Eastern countries.
Do UN decisions about rights of everyone decide the issue for all?
jehovah’s witnesses imprisoned for their faith—by location.
locations where jehovah’s witnesses are put in prison, sometimes under harsh conditions, for practicing their faith and exercising basic human rights.. .
others are imprisoned for their conscientious objection to military service.. watchtower society: please don't lecture anyone on the denial of basic human rights when you take away the rights of disfellowshipped family members associating with their family and friends!.
Perhaps I'm missing something. Are we just talking about shunning? If so...
Is it our right to have our former friends and parents contact us when we want them to... when they would rather not?
It seems to me that they have the right to deny us any communication they wish and for whatever reason they choose.
I'm not saying that shunning is loving or moral....just that no one is obliged to fellowship or interact against their will.
I expect a few dislikes on this post.
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
So you don't know their names. Everyone in the upper room knew the names of those taking the lead.
You don't know their names means you don't know who was chosen and you can't answer Jesus' question.
You don't know their names but you can tell me the continent they were chosen on, the country they were chosen in, the state and the city they were chosen in, the offices they occupied in Brooklyn as well as the month and year they were chosen to be the faithful slave.
Its strange that you know all this information, but that the very unnamed ones were propogating the lie that Pastor Russell who died in 1916 was the faithful slave. In fact those allegedly chosen ones in Brooklyn never knew they were chosen; they went to their graves clueless.
It was only on 2012 that it was revealed to the GB of JWs that these unnamed men were chosen to fill that office....and that they, the current GB inherited that office by divine succession. Amazing.
As the GB has pronounced.
We are the faithful and Discrete Slave that alone understands the scriptures and through whom you must be saved. If you do not accept us you will be destroyed by Jehovah. This is what the Bible clearly teaches. Put your faith in us and survive Armageddon which is just around the corner.
this is what jesus said.
matt 24-14.
14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.. looking at this verse what is the central theme?
Jesus told 8 kingdom of heaven parables from a boat. (Matthew 13 and Mark 4).
Four of these parables were field parables pointing to the fact that the kingdom consisted of "good seed" /sons of the kingdom/church that would start out small but grow to an enormous size having birds/weeds/demons/false Christian's, resting in its branches right up until the harvest.
This kingdom of heaven, has nothing to do with 1914 or any other year. It has to do with the king and his true followers.