In effect, a publishing house becomes the mediator of 99% of Watchtower believers today. But are there quotations from Watchtower literature that say this specifically?
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator? Watchtower's Position is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit!
by RottenRiley in2. p. 363; emphasis added) .
(ibid., p. 362; emphasis added) .. to say jesus is mediator only for the 144,000 is actually to deny the possibility of forgiveness of sins for any others.
; emphasis added) .
Marital sex
by Tedeily inmy wife and i have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years.
being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart.
recently my wife has become jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while i am away.
Don't think the elders would support sexting even between married couples. If they get wind of this they might want to thoroughly investigate the matter. But on the positive side, at least you have a backlog of prior photos to review.
Double Standards of the Watchtower
by Vanderhoven7 inare you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
JWs readily assume reports of widespread child abuse in other churches are true while rejecting as persecution....reports of widespread child abuse amongst Jehovah's Witnesses.
Do You Support Police and Law Enforcement?
by minimus inrecently black lives matter representatives have encouraged people to spit in law enforcement officials foods.
some people are going into police stations and trying to kill innocent officers.
federal officials are marked for death because they try to administer the law.. what is your opinion of this type of lawlessness?.
We find out how much better we are off when police go on strike for a day or two.
I want to try something new, any ideas?
by Tameria2001 innormally when jws come to my door, i very quickly tell them i'm not interested in the jws.
and for about a year or so they don't come until that time passes.
well, they came by today, but this time i decided to not tell them to go away but had a nice conversation with the two that were at my door.
I try to start with personal experience. I tell them I graduated from high school in 1968. I asked a JW student before graduating what his plans after high school were. He told me there was not enough time to get a college degree and that if I did not become a JW by 1975 I would be destroyed at Armageddon. I told him he would wake up in 1976 with egg all over his face.
Then the jws usually start fumbling about how some individuals carried things too far. That's when I would ask why JWs were looking forward to 1975? Why were jws lauded for selling their homes in the late 60's and students warned it would be dangerous to pursue post secondary education?
In Watchtower literature, wasn't there an historic pattern of prophetic speculation and false predictions about the end of the world? 1914, 1918, 1925 and the millions campaign where millions were promised to survive into the new system in 1926...
Do Witnesses still believe that many of those who saw the events of 1914 will still be around to witness the inauguration of the new system of things? Weren't JWs saying that such was God's promise. Awake masthead 1980 - 1995.
Do you think those who trusted Harold Camping should have continued to put their faith in him if he came up another sure date after his first prediction was totally off base? Of course not... so how do you expect me to put my trust in incompetent men in New York who claim to be led of God but have no idea what they are talking about?
EX JW 12 Steps: Step 1
by Victor instep 1. we admitted we were powerless under a tyrannical man made mindset to which we surrendered our power and self determination.
our self honesty and need to rescue our sanity led us to fade, walk away, or disfellowship our slave masters.
jehovah's witnesses are nothing more than a business enterprise set up by, c.t.
Excellent article. I notice the copyright has expired. Thanks for sharing.
Dumb things JWs believed
by JimmyYoung ini am not talking about the usual crap from the cult writings, but rather things idiots believed on their own.
maybe even helped on by the cult but not directly taught.
i knew an old man now long gone kunde in michigan.
Cut up onion, not to fight flu viruses or bacteria, but overnight to end congestion and nose stuffiness because of a cold. It works every time.
Let me add a cure for hiccups. One heaping teaspoon of peanut butter. Works every time as well. How it works is a mystery to me.
High school algebra was ok, once you realized that whatever you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other. Hated the word problems though. But loved geometry. Got 97% on my high school final. We had an excellent teacher, Dr. Saul, who would painstakingly make sure everyone understood the proofs for the propositions before he went on. Great teacher model.
by Antonio_Madaleno inmy first book: "apostate – why i left the jehovah's witnesses".
it will be release on march in portugal by penguin random house.. .
Congratulations Antonio! May you book sales top the charts in Portugal and help many to learn TTATT.
IMPERFECTION (Lesson learned)
by Terry inimperfection______________my favorite teacher (grade 9);mr. mcgilvray.he had a way.
charm, humor, intelligence, and irreverence.i loved the man.he'd teach a quick lesson that would linger in the mind for a long, long time.
even as long allow me to tell you about it...______.
Cool stories.
Mine is the opposite of cool.
My math teacher in grade 8 was a young Jewish guy with a swagger (bravado). He demanded silence.Sadly for him, I was a bit of a troublemaker. After repeated efforts to shut me up, he shouted, "Van, Stand up!". He swaggered over to me and announced, "Van, I don't have to send you to the office!" and with his fist 5 inches from my face, he warned, "Instead, I'll take you in the hall and give you a knuckle sandwich!" Now I'm sure he was no more than 5'2'' in his stocking feet...and I just couldn't help myself from bursting out laughing. At that point he shouted, "Van, get to the office!!!" Unfortunately, laughter is contagious. I left the room in stitches, not only because he just contradicted himself, but also because the whole class was laughing as well.
Fast forward about 7 years. I quit high-school at 15, worked for a few years; became a Christian at 17 and took courses at night. At 20, I went back to high-school as a full time student to complete my last year. When I entered the science lab for the first time...there was my older (not wiser) nemesis, Mr. Shadowitz sitting at his desk looking down at the class list. He began to read the names on the list...and as he read mine, he looked up and shouted, "Van...Oh No!" It's OK Sir, I responded, "I've changed." "Oh thank God, he sighed. He then began teaching us from his notes. Actually every class was the same; he read to us from his notes...occasionally looking up from them to see if we were all listening. We were; we were all bored speechless.