Unbelievable quotations on this video
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Notable Watchtower Quotations
by Vanderhoven7 inlet's share some notable wts quotations that demonstrate the arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy etc.
of the watchtower leadership.
“‘zion’s watch tower’ has, we believe jehovah for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support.
Out of The mouth Of 2 - 3 Witnesses Jehovah Never Endorsed Them in 1919 .
by smiddy3 inthe 2 or 3 witness rule to substantiate a truth about a matter .joh.8:17 , 2 cor.13 : 1. jehovah`s witnesses claim they were appointed by god in 1919 ?
as the only religion that god was going to use to dispense food at the proper time ?
and to lead his people by.. fact 1.
I thought that the hostile take-over of the IBSA by Rutherford took place in1918...and that's when the heretics took over the show.
Notable Watchtower Quotations
by Vanderhoven7 inlet's share some notable wts quotations that demonstrate the arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy etc.
of the watchtower leadership.
“‘zion’s watch tower’ has, we believe jehovah for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support.
More gems
"We need to examine, not only what we personally believe
but also what is taught by any religious organization
with which we may be associated. Are its teachings
in full harmony with God's Word, or are they based on
the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth,
there is nothing to fear from such examination."
The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, 1968, p. 13
"If the message Jehovah's witnesses are bringing to
the people is true, then it is of the greatest
importance to mankind. If it is false, then it is
the duty of the clergymen and others who support them
to come boldly forward and plainly tell the people
wherein the message is false."
Golden Age, 1/18/33, p. 252
"It is not religious persecution for an informed
person to expose publicly a certain religion as
thus allowing persons to see the difference
between false religion and true religion."
Watchtower, 11/15/63, p. 688
"The Catholic Church occupies a very significant
position in the world and claims to be the way
of salvation for hundreds of millions of people
Any organization that assumes that position should
be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.
All who criticize have the obligation to be
truthful in presenting the facts and fair and
objective in assessing such." Awake! 8/22/1984.
Notable Watchtower Quotations
by Vanderhoven7 inlet's share some notable wts quotations that demonstrate the arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy etc.
of the watchtower leadership.
“‘zion’s watch tower’ has, we believe jehovah for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support.
Let's share some notable WTS quotations that demonstrate the arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy etc. of the Watchtower leadership.
“‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” The second issue of the Watch Tower, August 1879
“Organized religion seems to be able to survive only with sizable financial support. How is the necessary money to be found?...Most likely you agree that giving should be part of Christian worship. However, do you find insistent appeals for money disturbing, perhaps even offensive? Brazilian theologian Inácio Strieder observes that “unemployed people, widows, slum dwellers, and those who are incapable of critical thinking conclude that...they are obliged to give so much to ‘the preacher’ that their own families go hungry.” You may wonder: ‘...could some religions be invoking the fear of God to fleece the flock? Really, does God expect us to give until it hurts, as some would say?’ Watchtower Dec. 1, 2002 p.3 (but ice-cream money doesn't hurt, does it?)
"Never would we want to be like the Pharisees, who resented those who questioned them and persecuted those who expressed an opinion contrary to their own.?—Mark 3:1-6; John 9:29-34." Watchtower September 2019
dump google
by phoenixrising ini have noticed as of late that google searches are heavily filtering searches and shopping.
i know they keep track and monitor your activity but when i can not find things or articles because they don't fit googles bs naritive its time to leave.
duck duck go is my replacement.
My son has converted to Bing and sings its' praises.
dump google
by phoenixrising ini have noticed as of late that google searches are heavily filtering searches and shopping.
i know they keep track and monitor your activity but when i can not find things or articles because they don't fit googles bs naritive its time to leave.
duck duck go is my replacement.
What about BING?
How Do JWs View The Bible?
by Vanderhoven7 inhere are some questions to ask visiting jws to help them realize their faith is not in the bible, but in men.. questions about how you view the bible.. 1. do you view the bible as the inspired word of god?
(ii tim.3:16).
2. do you believe the bible is written for everyone?
To be fair, the point of this thread is not whether the Bible is inspired or not regardless of which version is being considered. The point is that the Bible is touted as the authority for the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses when it is clearly not.
This for me is the focal point on which I base my criticism of the unique beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have no qualms about informing Witnesses that their religion is not biblical and that instead of trusting the Bible, they are trusting men and their unjustifiable interpretations.
How Do JWs View The Bible?
by Vanderhoven7 inhere are some questions to ask visiting jws to help them realize their faith is not in the bible, but in men.. questions about how you view the bible.. 1. do you view the bible as the inspired word of god?
(ii tim.3:16).
2. do you believe the bible is written for everyone?
I would imagine that Pastor Russell would say what all Jehovah's Witnesses would say today, that the Bible is the truth, that their religion is in fact Bible based and that the Bible is the authority for their doctrine.
However Bible-based actually means nothing significant and the claim that it is the authority for their doctrine is demonstrably false. In reality very doctrine which is unique to Jehovah's Witnesses is extra-biblical; established solely by eisegesis sprinkled with theories and speculations that are beyond what is written.
How Do JWs View The Bible?
by Vanderhoven7 inhere are some questions to ask visiting jws to help them realize their faith is not in the bible, but in men.. questions about how you view the bible.. 1. do you view the bible as the inspired word of god?
(ii tim.3:16).
2. do you believe the bible is written for everyone?
@ Truth be Known,
<<Why do Jehovah's Witnesses agree with Martin Luther by removing books of the Bible cannon, but reject Luther's teachings of salvation through faith and grace alone?>>
Precisely because the Bible (Catholic or Protestant version) is not their authority.... as the questions are designed to bring out.
How Do JWs View The Bible?
by Vanderhoven7 inhere are some questions to ask visiting jws to help them realize their faith is not in the bible, but in men.. questions about how you view the bible.. 1. do you view the bible as the inspired word of god?
(ii tim.3:16).
2. do you believe the bible is written for everyone?
Here are some questions to ask visiting JWs to help them realize their faith is not in the Bible, but in men.
1. Do you view the Bible as the inspired word of God? (II Tim.3:16)
2. Do you believe the Bible is written for everyone? (to read and study)
3. Do you believe that someone who only has the Bible can read it and be saved?
4. Do you believe your religion is clearly found in the Bible?
5. Could someone studying the Bible alone come up with exactly what you believe?
6. What role does the Bible play in determining your religious beliefs?
7. Do you believe that your faith is primarily in the Bible or is it in your religious leaders and their interpretations of the Bible?
8. Could there be a discrepancy between what your religion teaches and what the Bible teaches? Has there ever been?
9. If you discovered a discrepancy between what the Bible says and what your religion teaches, which one would you believe?
10. Would doctrinal modifications made by your religious leaders always act as a corrective to change what you believe the Bible teaches?
11. Could the Bible ever act as a corrective to change your beliefs contrary to what your religion teaches?
12. If a person puts his complete trust in a Bible scholar, with an “if he says it, I believe it” attitude, would his primary faith be in the Bible or the scholar?
13. Do you believe that your religious leaders alone have the right and ability to to interpret the Bible for true believers?
14. Where do your leaders get new information as to what the Bible teaches? (Bible itself? Angelic guidance? heavenly saints? Holy Spirit's leading?)
15. How do your leaders decide on which doctrinal changes to adopt? Do they sometimes vote changes in?