Why rush to impeach Trump?
Because special forces dressed as Antifa stormed Capitol Hill and got laptops of top Democrats officials.
Some people may be a wee bit frightened
it looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
Why rush to impeach Trump?
Because special forces dressed as Antifa stormed Capitol Hill and got laptops of top Democrats officials.
Some people may be a wee bit frightened
i'm not talking about armageddon, but a chance for all mankind to "reset" and come together.
just sayin.
i know i'm going to get nailed, but that's ok. i still consider myself a christian..
No rush....wait for righteousness to play out like a blockbuster movie.
i'm not talking about armageddon, but a chance for all mankind to "reset" and come together.
just sayin.
i know i'm going to get nailed, but that's ok. i still consider myself a christian..
The Second coming is the Christian hope...but I think God is not finished with America and I anticipate a revival that will affect the entire planet before history wraps up.
every republican president ever elected starting with reagan generated hysteria in the news media.
they belittled, cajoled, ridiculed, mocked and resisted the highest elected leader in the land in an attempt to overturn the will of the people.
Lol I'm not into Star Trek SB but I am wondering how soon marital law will be declared and people start getting arrested for conspiracy, fraud and treason.
the scripture said you must worship with spirit and truth.
the publications you read which are called spritual food from jehovah, are written by those who are supposed to be the closest to god and are anointed.
they claimed for decades to you that it was the creator's promise that those living during 1914 would live to see the fullfilment of the promise of a new earth.
Are they baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and spirit-led organization. I thought that changed. What do you think the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is?
Better still, change your email address and phone number.... and your address if you are really serious. And only answer the phone if you recognize the number. If you don't and they don't leave a message, assume they are after your money
When people ask me why I don't always answer the phone...I tell them I chose to have a phone for my convenience.
every republican president ever elected starting with reagan generated hysteria in the news media.
they belittled, cajoled, ridiculed, mocked and resisted the highest elected leader in the land in an attempt to overturn the will of the people.
It's not over till it's over. Justice may yet prevail.
Talk to me on the 21st.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
Ask me after the 20th.
i have a few jw relatives who are true believers.
by this i mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the governing body even if it does not make sense.
all of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s there is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the wt is not god organization.
They should republish the, "Millions Now living Will Never Die" book. After all we are living in the last part of the last part of the last day. Maybe rename it, "Billions now living will be exterminated".
what questions should be asked to a jehovah`s witness when confronted with them.. a jw gives his sermon.
"you" immediately ask him by what authority he has from god that you should take notice of him ,seeing their are over 40,000 different christian religions in the world who claim to represent god,.
Excellent questions pontoon! Short and sweet and very revealing.
Follow up:
Isn't that exactly what the Bereans did and were commended for?