Thanks for sharing Dr. Introvigne's article Vienne.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Hi Menrov
Hi Vanderhoven7, you said "Could this be a dangerous precedent?" Why is this to be considered dangerous?
Well what other religious beliefs or practices might state legislation prohibit? I remember the flap created by bill C16 regarding the use of preferred pronouns.
I believe that an appeal will overturn the current verdict on the basis of freedom of association rights.
However, the state has the right to remove tax exempt status from any church institution and perhaps they might consider that option.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
I think it will be reversed on appeal.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Could this be a dangerous precedent?
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Jehovah's Witnesses in Belgium have to pay €12K fine for shunning policyNewsYou have probably heard of the trial going on in Belgium about the shunning policy of JWs. Several ex-members took the JW org to court stating that the policy violaties the anti-discrimination law of the country. The judge has decided that this is correct, and has issued a fine of 12,000 euros for 'instigating discrimination and hate' against ex-members. This is the first time the organisation has been convicted in Belgium.
Quote from the judge: "The organisation promotes their disfellowshipping policy in their local faith communities, which compromises several pillars of our basic human rights. At no point did the community consider the very harmful consequences for the victims. It is up to the justice system to stop those practices. In our society, religious rules are not above the law."
Article in Dutch:
Tiger Woods
by minimus inwhat do you think of him?
i know he’s a great golfer.
we know he just got into a major car accident (again).. i respect his golfing abilities but personally i’ve never cared for him and i think the press glorifies him sooo much.
I think I can appreciate Wood's alleged amnesia. I was in an accident at 16. The driver had had a few too many. We hit a stone wall head on. The car was totaled and I needed 18 stitches on my forehead after hitting the dash. I got out of the car; all kinds of people had gathered and were watching from a distance. I shouted at them to mind their own business. Then I don't remember a thing after that. I did not pass out...but I was totally unaware of what happened between the accident and my being in a wheelchair at the hospital. My buddy told me the police drove us and that I was talking to him in the back seat of the cop car. I have no recollection of that missing time to this day...a total blank.
I hope and pray Tiger Woods makes a full recovery.
"Modern Bibles" New World Translation - Part II
by Perry inbehold, the days come, saith the lord god, that i will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the lord .
amos 8: 11. .
most of us who have been raised as jehovahs witnesses since at least the 1960s were occasionally reminded of the scholarship of fred franz and his command of eight or more languages, including the biblical languages of hebrew and greek.
BRAZIL: Sexual abuse, Heresy & Social Control in Jehovah’s Witnesses (inteview)
by Antonio_Madaleno in“it was like a house of cards that has collapsed,” says a former cult elder.. for 40 years of his life, antónio madaleno, born in portugal, was part of jehovah’s witnesses, which he defines as a “cult”.
he was just one year old when his mother went to the kingdom hall, as the jehovah’s witnesses’ places of worship are called.. after reaching the top of the jehovah’s witness hierarchy, becoming an elder, madaleno found himself in a situation where he began to address their heresies while his wife was pregnant in 2003.. “as is usual in these cases, the first concern of a jehovah’s witness is the question of the need for a blood transfusion,” he tells gospel prime, in an exclusive interview.. antónio madaleno says that this led him to research, study the bible and question the teachings of jehovah’s witnesses.
for the first time, he was using his mind and conscience to seek the truth about what he had learned at the kingdom hall, even though he considered himself an expert in the witnesses’ doctrines.. his research has led him to what he defines as “a house of cards that has collapsed”, as he claims that “it has resulted in many other researches and inquiries”.. “what i came to discover led me to lose all credibility and trust of the watchtower organization,” he says.. the former elder became what they define as an “apostate”, drifting away from associating with members of the cult and starting to speak out against what happens there, including crimes covered up by the leadership.
House of cards us an excellent analogy.
Basic Blood Questions For Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 inbasic blood questions for jehovah's witnesses.
where does the bible outlaw blood transfusions?
(acts 15:29 gen.9:4) .
Hopefully basic questions like this should make Witnesses conclude there may be something scripturally and logically wrong with their organization's blood policies.