Excellent question. Goes right to the top of the list along with question number one.
here are some questions to ask witnesses.
how would you alter or improve or add to them?.
transparency questions.
Excellent question. Goes right to the top of the list along with question number one.
here are some questions to ask witnesses.
how would you alter or improve or add to them?.
transparency questions.
Here are some questions to ask Witnesses. How would you alter or improve or add to them?
1.How confident are you that your religion is true?
Do you ever have doubts about your religion?
Are there any issues about your religion that trouble you? Or is it all good?
Do you see your religion as being the only religion that God approves of?
2. Would you say that all other religions are essentially satanic or part of Satan's kingdom?
Do you believe that Jehovah God rejected all other churches at some point in history?
When do you believe God rejected all of Christendom? What year? How do you know this?
What do you think will happen to people belonging to churches other than yours at if they are alive at Armageddon?
3. Do you believe, that with rare exceptions, only faithful JWs will survive Armageddon?
Do you believe Jehovah will destroy billions of people at Armageddon?
Do you believe that the Non-Witnesses God destroys will have no hope of a resurrection?
What if these same Non-JWs die a few years before Armageddon...might they get a resurrection?
Do you think its fair that God would eternally destroy people simply based on the timing of their death?
4. Would you say that Witnesses are free to question and even disagree with what comes down from your religion's headquarters?
What would happen if a Witness vocalized disagreement with a particular teaching?
What if they persisted in disagreement? Might they be disfellowshipped?
5. To your knowledge, is there some valid or honorable way out of your religion?
What would be the repercussions if you left the Witnesses?
Would you be shunned?
Would you shun a family member who left your religion because they no longer believe it to be true?
Do you think there could be many Witnesses who no longer believe Watchtower religion to be true
but pretend they still believe so they can keep their families intact?
6. Do you think that your religion disfellowships and shuns people for solely biblical reasons?
Do you consider unrepentant celebration of birthdays to be a biblical disfellowshipping offense?
Do you believe unrepentant accepting of blood transfusions is a disfellowshipping offense?
7. In a dire medical emergency would you refuse a blood transfusion that could save your child's life?
Would you allow some blood components to be transfused?
Which components does the Bible say are acceptable and which ones are not?
Do you know if Jehovah's Witnesses have been consistent in determining allowable components?
Why is plasma unacceptable when all components are individually on the WT acceptable list?
How about white blood cells (Leukocytes)? Do you know that millions are passed in mother's milk and
during organ transplants which are now acceptable to the Society?
Do you believe it is wrong for Christians to donate blood to blood-banks? (storing blood is sinful)
Is storing blood temporarily for testing purposes immoral?
Where do Witnesses with hemophilia get their blood-clotting components from? (blood banks)
Is it proper or moral to benefit from immorally donated blood? Aren't JWs being parasites?
8. If you somehow lost faith in your religion's primary leadership, would you lose your faith in God and the Bible?
Do you believe that your faith is primarily in God and His word? (II TIM.3:16)
Is it possible, without realizing it, that your faith is predominantly in men and not God or the Bible?
Can your leaders correct you and change your mind about what the Bible teaches?
Can the Bible ever correct you and change your mind contrary to what your leaders teach?
If I told you I only accept what a Bible scholar says the Bible teaches; would my faith ultimately be in the Bible or in the scholar?
9. Do you believe that the gospel Jehovah's Witnesses preach is the same gospel that Paul preached?
Gal.1:6-9 NWT Would it be legitimate for Christians to preach something beyond what Paul preached?
Can you summarize the gospel that Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching?
Imagine I've got 5 minutes to live... and I ask you how can I get right with God, have my sins all
forgiven and be granted eternal life?
What would Paul say to this dying person? (Acts 16:30-31, I Cor.15:1-4)
Do you believe that people today, can be saved or justified and have God's approval without any
affiliation with your religious organization? (criteria)
10. Do you believe that some of the original Great Crowd members will be alive when Armageddon strikes?
What year did the Great Crowd begin forming? (Not sure) Was it sometime after 1914? (Yes)
When did the Watchtower first realize that the great company was forming? (1935)
How did they discover this? Who informed the Watchtower that this group was forming?
If the Great Crowd started forming in 1920, how old would the youngest member be today?
11. Do you believe that Jehovah has promised to usher in a safe and secure new world before the 1914 generation expires?
How is it possible to maintain that Jesus was teaching that the 1914 generation would not pass away?
How old are babies born in 1914 today? (107)
If the generation Jesus spoke about would "surely" not pass away, you think He would be talking about a thriving number within that generation – don't you think?
Can you explain what Jesus meant by "this generation"? (hutos genaea) (overlapping)
Can you show where Matthew or any other gospel writer employs a similar meaning?
12. Do you believe that less than 150,000 faithful Christians existed prior to the 20th century?
(From 33 A.D. to 1900 A.D.)
What about the millions who were martyred for Christ during this time frame?
It is estimated that 2 million Christians were martyred in the first 3 centuries.
Were these mostly fake Christians? (must have been)
How can you judge when you don't know them?
what do you think of the following sample disassociation letter from 4jehovah.org ?.
if you are looking to disassociate from jehovah’s witnesses, here is a sample letter you can modify for your use:.
i have decided to disassociate myself from the ____________ congregation of jehovah’s witness.
@Ding: You are probably right about that.
@Overrated: Short and to the point! And the elders probably read every word of yours.
My question about the sample letter is this: If one informs the elders that they have disassociated themselves, why would the elders even bother to assemble a judicial committee? Wouldn't they just announce to the congregation that so-and-so no longer is a Jehovah's Witness?
what do you think of the following sample disassociation letter from 4jehovah.org ?.
if you are looking to disassociate from jehovah’s witnesses, here is a sample letter you can modify for your use:.
i have decided to disassociate myself from the ____________ congregation of jehovah’s witness.
I have decided to disassociate myself from the ____________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witness. I have serious questions about foundational teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, which to this time still remain unanswered by any Jehovah’s Witness, including any elders, but I have no problem with the ____________ Congregation. My only disagreement is with certain actions, policies, teachings, and writings contained in publications produced, and oral teachings promulgated either individually or collectively by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and its legal corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., and the International Bible Students Association.
This is also to notify the _____________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses that you, nor the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, including its over 100 other associated business corporations, have any authority over me whatsoever. This is also official notice to you, to discontinue any and all stalking activities against me and to never come to my home again, uninvited, especially when _____________ is not at home.
If you decide to take any judicial action against me, there are certain things of which I must be notified, and which must be clarified, before I would agree to meet with any judicial committee. These items are as follows:
As a final warning, I will hold as personally and financially liable, any elder, body of elders, or individuals taking any action of any kind against me, including slander. Any action by any committee will be considered the action of all appointed elders in the congregation.
The local elders need to be aware that the Watchtower Society is both unwilling and unable to shield the actions of elders from both criminal and civil prosecution. Instead, historically, the Watchtower Society uses extensive legal maneuvering to shield itself from any liability. They leave the elders “holding the bag.”
Respectfully and Sincerely,
when i was a witness i knew what my beliefs were and could defend my views, even if it really was wrong.
i understood jw doctrines .
i could define what the faithful and discreet slave was.
Excellent post. Using it now on the Jesus Witness forum.
if you or someone you know is considering watchtower religion, this would be an excellent video to recommend.
Thanks Smiddy,
So many people get involved with the Watchtower without knowing the consequences. Short, to the point videos like this should alert them at least to research further before making commitments.
if you or someone you know is considering watchtower religion, this would be an excellent video to recommend.
If you or someone you know is considering Watchtower religion, this would be an excellent video to recommend.
how and when did the "understanding" of the progressive ("new light") understanding start?.
anybody knows?.
i know what you’re gonna say---------everyone has a right to believe whatever they want.. but the question above is not about everyone’s right to believe whatever.. the question is very specific------will the world be a better place----without religion.
think for a while what the world would be like without any religion.. no conflicts between islam and christianity.. no conflicts between different sects of christianity.
(example; jehovah’s witnesses vs catholics).
Would the world be a better place without religion?- perhaps
Would the world be a better place without Christ? - No
Hi Etude,
Sorry...got it from a post on Reddit but did not notice a reference.