Watch Brigitte Gabriel's Epic and Brilliant Answer To "Most Muslims Are Peaceful..."
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Brigitte Gabriel's Epic Answer To "Most Muslims Are Peaceful..."
by Vanderhoven7 inwatch brigitte gabriel's epic and brilliant answer to "most muslims are peaceful...".
WT'S memory loss, minimizing the "memorial",
by waton infor those still interested in wt maneuvers, this past week's wt study re: ransom.
after the talking snake and consequences part: .
"john wrote more about the ransom" then others.
I believe the Watchtower would say that all those in their graves i.e., memorial tombs, who die before the tribulation and Armageddon, will automatically be resurrected and given a chance at life during the 1000 years.
If that is the case, the question I would want answered is: What advantage is there of becoming a JW?
Witnesses probably would say that if you heard their 1914 - 1919 life-saving message and reject it, then you will not be in your memorial tomb and you will not be resurrected.
So they actually would be saving or giving a lot more people a chance at life in the new system if they just keep the "good Watchtower news" to themselves.
Nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 or 568 BC?
by Vanderhoven7 inanybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
Wow! Just checked. Did this thread take off or what. Must be a few chronology buffs around. Time to catch up.
Nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 or 568 BC?
by Vanderhoven7 inanybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
Originally Answered: Why do Jehovah's Witnesses claim that VAT 4956, written in Nebucadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 BC? Any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 BC.there are 13 sets of lunar observations on the tablet and 15 planetary observations. These describe the position of the moon or planets in relation to certain stars or constellations.18 There are also eight time intervals between the risings and settings of the sun and the moon.18a
Because of the superior reliability of the lunar positions, researchers have carefully analyzed these 13 sets of lunar positions on VAT 4956. They analyzed the data with the aid of a computer program capable of showing the location of celestial bodies on a certain date in the past.19 What did their analysis reveal? While not all of these sets of lunar positions match the year 568/567 B.C.E., all 13 sets match calculated positions for 20 years earlier, for the year 588/587 B.C.E.
Clearly, much of the astronomical data in VAT 4956 fits the year 588 B.C.E. as the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar II. This, therefore, supports the date of 607 B.C.E. for Jerusalem’s destruction—just as the Bible indicates.
▪ The tablet describes astronomical events that occurred in the 37th year of the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar II.
▪ Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem in his 18th regnal year.—Jeremiah 32:1.
If the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar II was 568 B.C.E., then Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 B.C.E.
610 B.C.E.
If his 37th year was 588 B.C.E., then Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E., the date that is indicated by Bible chronology.
▪ VAT 4956 points more convincingly to 607 B.C.E.
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Right on RM,
Excuses, excuses...
the light gets brighter and brighter as the day approaches, The brothers are imperfect; we all make mistakes; but we correct them; even the disciples made mistakes,
This is the first time I've run across a JW who denies the Watchtower was guilty of prophetic speculation.
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
proves to me that the GB was not given the mandate and ability to interpret the Bible for anyone at anytime.
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Excellent point Min
Here is the link
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
His response to me is interesting:
"I have been involved with Jehovah’s Witnesses for more than 60 years now Rick. I am very well aware of the history of this organization.
Now I have a question for you.
Are you someone who believes that the Bible is Gods inspired word to mankind? If you are, do you belong to any religious group? Which group is that?
Any further discussion depends upon your honest answer to my questions."
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Excellent response Tater-T
I responded
<<”Our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.”>>
Houston, we have a problem!!!
Paul I’m sorry but I only see several possibilities here…as follows:
a. you are employing sarcasm.
b. you are ignorant of your organizations’ history.
c. you don’t know the definition of the word “speculation”.
d. you are brainwashed and deluded
These are the only choices I can think of. Is there another that I missed?
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Question: What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
How would you respond to this answer provided by Paul Coom... yesterday on Quora?
"Our organization has never been a prophetic speculator. All the prophecies we have commented upon are scripturally based. Our comments merely reflect our understanding of such prophecies at the time they were made.
The prophecies themselves are guaranteed to come true. The fact that we have not understood every single one of them properly does not alter that fact.
What this all proves is that we are growing in biblical understanding on a daily basis. What this proves is that we are not tied to the past as most religions are. When a change needs to be made, we make it without looking for excuses. Science operates along these lines too. It’s a good system."