This might help
if you tell a jw that he or she is in a cult and they asked you why do you say that?
how would you respond?.
This might help
Right Ding.....I forgot about him.
Did you know that Adam and Eve played baseball?
They dropped the ball in the big inning.
Do you know who the smallest man in the Bible was?
Some think it was Kneehighamiah ..... but it was actually the Phillipian jailer....because he slept on his watch.
so, there's been a lot of talk on social media, blaming trump for the current crisis that began at the weekend.. it's a load of bullsh!t from deluded people who are desperate to blame anyone but joe biden, the idiot they voted for or at least wanted to win last november.. there is only one person, just one person, to blame: joe biden.. he has the heavy burden of making tough presidential decisions.. and after this debacle, it's reasonable to ask if he's up to making such decisions..
Who are Biden's advisors? They should be parachuted into Kabul to support the rest of the stranded Americans.
after listening to the zoom meetings the past two weeks, i started to wonder, what is the real purpose for such short comments.
policy for 5 or more years now.
supposedly, it is so more can comment.
Welcome to the forum Bunny!
Are you comfortable with the fact that there are many WTS apostates on board here as well as PIMOs, and POMOs?
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
One problem is that vaccinated people can still get COVID...but the symptoms tend to be far less severe .... but they can still spread it to others just as easily as unvaccinated people.
Welcome back Hylandyr!
Tell us what's going on in your life as you drift farther away from those old Watchtower moorings and the fear of Armageddon.
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Perhaps 2075 or 2114
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Has the overlapping generation been replaced by the 120 year life limit of Noah's in the days of Noah?
i was watching a video by smurf girl that said that her old halls where permanently closed.
so i did a google lookup of my old hall and it said permanently closed.
so is this that big that the cult is really shuttering all these halls for good?
Apparently that video by Smurf Girl was taken down.