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JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
ALL babies are "little enemies of God"...
by BoogerMan instraight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
Fascinating Quotations of The Faithful Slave
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have any amazing quotations that have been produced by the faithful slave over the years?.
remember it's important that we should learn to love and value truth for it’s own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomever presented.
a truth presented by the faithful slave himself is just as true as a truth stated by god.. share some of those amazing quotations that have fascinated you.
Hi Baldeagle
I deliberately modified a quotation of Russell's which read
A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God.
- What is Truth? Zion's Watch Tower, (July 7, 1879).
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Sounds good to me Atlantis. I'll bring the beer.
Fascinating Quotations of The Faithful Slave
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have any amazing quotations that have been produced by the faithful slave over the years?.
remember it's important that we should learn to love and value truth for it’s own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomever presented.
a truth presented by the faithful slave himself is just as true as a truth stated by god.. share some of those amazing quotations that have fascinated you.
Thanks to Atlantis:
1945 Consolation.
Vertroosting (Dutch Consolation), September 1945,
blz. 29 Dutch:
"Wanneer wij ons leven verliezen,
doordat wij weigeren, inspuitingen te laten maken,
dient zulks niet tot een getuigenis,
ter rechtvaardiging van Jehovah`s Naam.
God heeft nooit bepalingen uitgevaardigd
die het gebruik van medicijnen, inspuitingen
of bloedtransfusie verbiedt."
Het is een uitvinding van menschen ,
die gelijk de Farizeeën Jehova's barmhartigheid
en liefde buiten beschouwing laten.
Jehova te dienen met geheel ons verstand beteekent
niet ons verstand uit te schakelen; vooral dan niet,
als het om een menschenleven gaat,
dat Jehova toegewijd en daarom heilig is".
English translation:
“When we lose our life, because we refuse inoculations,
that does not bear witness as a justification of Jehovah’s name.
God never issued regulations which prohibit the use of drugs, inoculations or blood transfusions.
It is an invention of people, who, like the Pharisees, leave Jehovah’s mercy and love aside. Jehovah to serve with all our reason, doesn't mean not to disconnect our reason in especially when it concerns a human life that is devoted to Jehovah and therefore it is holy." -
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Thanks for that translation Atlantis.
The WT has failed to explain fundamental doctrines
by Kosonen insadly the wt failed to teach fundamental biblical doctrines.
i did never really understand the doctrine about ransom while i was still in the congregation.. i did not either understand what it really means that "god is love" as stated in the bible.
i did not either understand from the wt what is love.
Why I ask is because of their teaching that those who die before Armageddon have paid for their sins by their death. At least that is what some JWs have told me. So JWs who have struggled hard for the organization end up on equal footing with fornicators and adulterers in the resurrection.
The WT has failed to explain fundamental doctrines
by Kosonen insadly the wt failed to teach fundamental biblical doctrines.
i did never really understand the doctrine about ransom while i was still in the congregation.. i did not either understand what it really means that "god is love" as stated in the bible.
i did not either understand from the wt what is love.
Sea Breeze
You are not attributing the last sentence to Watchtowerism are you?
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
I know how you feel. I've put down 3 dogs over the last 40 years. My German short-haired pointer, Bounder, my brave boxer Brutus, and last, my wonderful Rottie, Thor. My kids have fond memories of all three and now have their own dogs...Pitties, Chihuahua and a British bulldog.
We are a dog family and none of us would refuse a transfusion to save their lives.
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Right on SV. And the fact is that billions of white blood cells are passed from donor to recipient with every major organ transplant...because the majority of white blood cells are in the tissue not in the blood stream.
If they were consistent the organization would ban transplants again and more JWs would perish through their medical quackery.
“This generation will by no means pass away.”
by Fisherman infor argument sake let’s assume that this verse should apply to 1914. what are your thoughts on generation?.
The Tribulation was not to be a worldwide event and had nothing to do with 1914.
18 When therefore you see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of
through Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not in the holy place (let him
who reads understand), that is to say, when you see Jerusalem compassed with
armies, then know that her desolation is at hand.”
19 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let him who is on the
housetop not go down to take out things that are in his house. Neither let him which
is in the field return back to take his clothes.
20 For these are days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.”
21 But woe to those who are with child and to those who are breast feeding in those
22 And pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a Sabbath,”
23 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be, for there will be great distress on the land, and wrath to this people.
24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
So the great tribulation was to be a one-time, non-repeatable event in history; a fairly local event affecting the Jews in and around Jerusalem and leading to their death or dispersion among the nations. Jesus provided the Sign (Jerusalem being surrounded by armies) to Flee and escape Jerusalem’s Tribulation & Destruction: Matthew 24: 18-23 The plight of the Jews who didn't heed Jesus' instruction to flee is aptly described in Luke 21: 21-24.