And the Self-righteous will stand before Jesus on that day saying.
Did we not travel land and sea to make one disciple? Did we not tithe, did we not warn the sinners to repent? Did we not start many Bible Studies? We did many wonderful works. OK we did not establish any orphanages and such because we had a more important task of making Jehovah’s name known among the nations.
Jesus will reply, "Don't you know what makes my Father's name known?" You counted on your works to save if I owed you salvation for your efforts. If you had loved me, you would have built orphanages, you would have rescued widows and the homeless..... These are the things that my sheep do becsause they love me and follow me...not to save themselves but because I live in them and express my love through them.
My sheep know that it is only by grace that they are saved, forgiven and promised eternal life. Salvation is not by works of righteousness that they have done, but by my mercy alone through the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost which I have shed upon them abundantly.
Take your filthy rag works and depart from me you self righteous ones into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his demons."