Nadia Viotto writes
“It appears that the Governing Body with its army of circuit overseers and its legions of appointed elders, does not consider themselves to be a “body of proud, ambitious clergymen.” But what is a clergy man and what is a clergy class?
According to the dictionary it is “the body of all people ordained for religious duties.” Another similar definition is: “The group of religious officials (as priests, ministers, or rabbis) [one would easily add pastors, deacons, and yes, elders] specifically prepared and authorized to conduct religious services.”
Witnesses claim they do not have a clergy. They claim that all baptized Jehovah’s Witnesses are ordained ministers. That would include women, wouldn’t it? Women are ordained ministers, yet they cannot pray or preach in the congregation as men do. And come on, are we expected to believe that the average congregation publisher is the same as a congregation elder?
The power and control that elders, circuit overseers, and the Governing Body have over the lives of all witnesses demonstrates that saying there is no clergy class, doesn’t make it so. In fact, saying there is no JW clergy is a big, fat lie. If anything, Witness clergymen, i.e., congregation elders, have far more power than the average minister or priest in other Christian denominations. If you are an Anglican, Catholic, or Baptist, can your local priest or minister cut you off socially from all your family and friends around the world like Witness elders can? Pinochio’s nose is growing.”
Jehovahs witnesses pretend to not have a clergy class because they don’t want to look like the rest of Babylon the Great. And expose their true nature. They have to appear “different and special” so they change the titles and names of their clergy men. At the end of the day it’s the SAME THING. And they are just lying to their members. Especially when they go to court. Then it’s suits them to claim clergy penitent privilege just like the rest of them. They are after all a 501C3 corporate entity which makes them a state church like all the rest. In all their efforts to hide a piece of poop inside a cake it doesn’t change the fact it’s still a piece of poop. 💩
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
We see you Watchtower! 👀
The delusional mind of a JW is shown here. This man is clearly lying or is completely willfully ignorant of the truth. This is a misogynistic cult. The cult governors put themselves in the place of Jesus claiming to be his voice. They demand blind obedience in order for their slave members to gain salvation. Claiming salvation is dependent on THEM. Not Jesus. It’s a blasphemous cult. And its members are idolaters. Fellow workers and considered equal? No one allowed reverence or revered as holy? All peers?