Ding wrote: What those now dead WT authors wrote proves conclusively that the WT religion is not the truth. Should we ignore that?
You: i must be missing something here.
Perhaps the sarcasm?
The resurrection of the anointed Christians, who number 144,000, is to spirit life in heaven and it began to occur in 1918 C.E., after the establishment of the heavenly Kingdom in 1914.“ WT June 1, 1970 p. 331 "Faith to the Preserving Alive of the Soul”
“In 1918 he (the apostle Peter) was resurrected to the heavens along with the other faithful members of Christ’s congregation who had died prior to that time. “(WT February 15, 1966 p. 123 “Does Peter Now Use the Keys of the Kingdom?”
“Those who died prior to the establishment of the Kingdom were resurrected at the time of Jehovah's coming to the temple with his messenger of the covenant in 1918.” WT 67 8/1 p. 455 A New Administration of Earth's Affairs
“The Watchtower has long presented the view that this resurrection of anointed Christians from death commenced in the year 1918.” WT 86 10/1 p. 14 Comfort From the God of Peace