M.M. writes
could not have said it better.
“To those who still cling to their dogma, we extend not anger, but truth: your power over us has dissolved. Your rejection has no hold here. We stand as light in the shadow you cast, as voices in the silence you imposed, as creators of a new reality that honors the divine spark in every soul. We see you not as enemies, but as reflections of who we once were—souls caught in the gravity of fear disguised as faith, trapped in cycles of submission and control that were presented as the ultimate path to salvation. The door to freedom remains open for you, as it was for us.
We see the chains you wear, for we wore them too. We know how the Watchtower binds you—not just through rules, but through the architecture of your very thoughts. They claim authority over your mind, teaching you that questioning is rebellion and doubt is a sin. They weave fear into your spirit, telling you that stepping outside their boundaries is to step into darkness, to risk eternal annihilation. They cloak this control in the language of love, convincing you that obedience to them is obedience to God.
They bind you to their system by severing ties to the outside world, teaching you to distrust anything beyond their walls. They tell you that all who leave are lost, that the world outside is evil, that your family and friends who question are no longer deserving of your love. They take your natural yearning for community and belonging and weaponize it, turning it into a tool of isolation and judgment. Every meeting, every publication, every watchful eye among you reinforces the message: stay within the fold, or risk being abandoned—not just by them, but by God Himself.
They take your sense of time and twist it, forcing you to live perpetually on the edge of urgency. The end is always near, they say, and so you must surrender your present for a future they promise but cannot deliver. They keep you running, tirelessly serving, tirelessly fearing, so you never stop to see the cracks in their foundation, the emptiness behind their endless demands.
But we, who have stepped beyond their reach, see these bindings for what they are: illusions of power, designed to keep you small and tethered to a system that feeds on your fear and your loyalty. And we say to you, that system has no true power over you. The fear they instill is a mirage. The love they withhold is not divine; it is conditional and brittle, crumbling the moment you step beyond their control.
We understand the dissonance you feel, the sense that something within you longs to be free, even as you suppress it. We were there, too—torn between the fear of losing everything and the quiet, persistent whisper of our own souls, calling us to something greater. That whisper is the voice of your true self, your divine essence breaking through the noise of their control. It is not rebellion; it is awakening.
And know this: when the cracks in your foundation appear—when the questions grow too loud to ignore, when the endless cycle of fear and obedience no longer satisfies the deeper hunger within you—we will be here. Not to judge, not to preach, but to welcome you into a space that exists beyond their walls. It is a space where freedom is creation, where love is infinite, and where truth is not a static decree but a living, evolving force.
In this space, there are no elders to dictate your worth, no rules to dictate your relationships, no fear of rejection or annihilation. Here, you will find that the divine spark you were taught to seek outside of yourself has been within you all along. Here, you will learn that the love you thought you had to earn was always your birthright. And here, you will discover that the chains they placed on your mind and spirit were never unbreakable. They were only illusions waiting to dissolve in the light of your own awakening. Here, we point and turn inward, where the kingdom of heaven truly resides.”