Yes...the gospel was preached throughout the world prior to Jerusalem's end. And 2 Verses destroy the duel fulfillment theory. The tribulation was an unrepeatable event, Matthew 24:21 and the fact that after the tribulation that Jews In Jerusalem and Judaea would experience, those surviving would be shipped off to the gentile nations Luke 21:24
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Fulfilling Matthew 24:14? by Former C.O Ron Frye
by chrisjoel in"and this good news of the kingdom will.
be preached in all the inhabited earth for a. witness to all the nations; and then the end.
bible are more familiar to jehovah's witnesses than the.
Whatever became of Marvin Shilmer?
by careful in12 hours ago someone resurrected a post by marvin shilmer from years ago.
it was then that i realized that i haven't seen a post from him for a while.
a check shows it's been 4 years.
Vanderhoven7 my New Testament prof once said to me..."you are the silliest boy in this class".
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
@JW Answers
Do you believe Jesus while entombed went in spirit form to preach to spirits in prison from the days of Noah? 1 Peter 3:18-20
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 19 by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, 20 who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
A spiritual body that can be touched and that consists of flesh and bones is still a body. Remember, Jesus speaking of His body, said. "Kill this temple (his body) and in three days I will raise it up."
Obviously, from all accounts, His body saw no corruption, but was transformed into a spiritual body, that still bore the mark's of His passion.
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
@JW Answers
It is clear from scripture that Jesus rose bodily and that his risen body was corporeal. But how do you handle first Corinthians 15:45
New King James Version
And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. -
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
"The Gospel of Matthew repeatedly describes banquets and feasts as being present in the kingdom of heaven. Elsewhere, Jesus mentions eating and drinking in the heavenly kingdom. Some references to the heavenly banquet conceive it as being thrown by Abraham (cf. Matthew 8:11 sqq.). The heavenly banquet is mentioned in several third-century martyrdom narratives..."
Jehovah's Witnesses can donate blood
by Marvin Shilmer injehovah’s witnesses can donate blood.
today i added a new article to my blog that answers the question of whether watchtower doctrine forbids jehovah’s witnesses from going to their community blood bank and donating some of their blood to help replace all the products from blood accepted on a daily basis by the community of jehovah’s witnesses.. .
my article is titled jehovah’s witnesses can donate blood and is available at:
Circuit Overseer to Answer My Questions + Concerns...or Not
by Research inhello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
Just discovered a video that may be of help to you Research.
My email to JW Following Trolley Conversation
by cofty ina few weeks ago i had an really interesting conversation with three male jws who were loitering around a trolley at the west end of princes street in edinburgh.. i managed to completely avoid giving any hint about my jw past and focussed on why they thought the bible was a reliable moral guide.
i used the subject of slavery to illustrate my concerns.. one of the three was in his early twenties, knew a lot about his own beliefs but nothing about the real life and it was difficult to get through his thought-bubble.
the second one was in his 60s and not very bright.
Yes, ask them about the failures of the organization and they say, ,"Look we are not here to argue" and then hightail it within seconds.
pictures for or of pimos
by waton ina picture so embarrassing, even wtbts inc does not want to describe it?
this week's study, no 52, march 1 2020 wt dec 1919. picture description (on page 27) for pages 23 and 26 but not for the one on page 24, too embarrassing?
picture it, page 24. the wt lady, with a head volume ~8 times that of the gentlemen sitting behind her, eager to have her voice boom in the kingdom hall, raising arms with 3 other "sisters", whereas all 4 males are abstaining.
No wonder only ladies raised their hands in response to the question
"[Ladies], what challenges did you face with your mate, and what did your loving husband do?"
And I suspect every husband in the room would be smiling nervously in anticipation of the response of their mates.