NSo many good answers...Joen, you nailed it biblically, but the Bible doesn't stand a chance against the word of men in New York. So I am going with Fadeaway's and Cadellin's responses.
just received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
NSo many good answers...Joen, you nailed it biblically, but the Bible doesn't stand a chance against the word of men in New York. So I am going with Fadeaway's and Cadellin's responses.
just received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
Hi All,
Just received this note out of the blue from a PIMI JW. How would you respond?
Hi Vander,
Hope you are doing well during this CoronaVirus pandemic.
Don't these crazy times remind you of the Bible's prophetic words:
War on a large scale.?—Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:4.
Famine.?—Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:?5, 6.
Great earthquakes.?—Luke 21:11.
Pestilences, or epidemics of “terrible diseases.”?—Luke 21:11,Contemporary English Version.
Increase of crime.?—Matthew 24:12.
Ruining of the earth by mankind.?—Revelation 11:18.
Deterioration of people’s attitudes, as shown by many who are “unthankful, disloyal, . . . not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride.”?—2 Timothy 3:?1-4.
Breakdown of the family, with people who have “no natural affection” and children who are “disobedient to parents.”?—2 Timothy 3:?2, 3.
Love of God growing cold in most people.?—Matthew 24:12.
Noteworthy displays of religious hypocrisy.?—2 Timothy 3:5.
Increased understanding of Bible prophecies, including those related to the last days.?—Daniel 12:4.
Global preaching of the good news of the Kingdom.?—Matthew 24:14.
Widespread apathy and even ridicule toward the evidence of the approaching end.?—Matthew 24:37-?39; 2 Peter 3:?3, 4.
The simultaneous fulfillment of all these prophecies, not just a few or even most of them.?—Matthew 24:33.
hi need some help with the teachings regarding the 4type horsemen and the virus.
i'm 17 going to be 18 in six months.
i am a running start student and trying to find the best way to move out after i graduate next year to continue.
If you read Matthew 24 you will see that the tribulation was local to Jerusalem and Judaea.; that Christians were to run to the mountains when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by armies, and to pray that their flight would not be in winter or on a Sabbath day. This event was to precede the destruction of the temple and city (not one stone left on another) followed by the dispersion of surviving Jews to all nations. This happened in 70 AD as an unrepeatable event.
Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are parallel passages which should set your mind at ease that Jehovah's Witnesses have no idea how to interpret biblical prophecy and never have.
the witnesses teach that the "unrighteous" are brought back to life in order to learn about god during the 1000-year reign.
i don't think that's a bible teaching, for the following reason:.
1) no verse says that.
The point is there will be people who need strong discipline during the 1000 year reign. Neither Christians nor Old Testament saints will require such discipline. Who else, but non-Christians, non-righteous individuals would require such discipline. If you posit a second group of relatively-righteous Christians exist to fill this role, I would like to see what you consider as biblical support.
the witnesses teach that the "unrighteous" are brought back to life in order to learn about god during the 1000-year reign.
i don't think that's a bible teaching, for the following reason:.
1) no verse says that.
Hi AA,
Do you brlieve the righteous OT saints will need to be smitten and ruled with a rod of iron, i.e., strong discipline?
Also where do you find a second group of Christian believers in scripture that are bereft of the indwelling Spirit, a heavenly hope and are not in the new covenant?
the witnesses teach that the "unrighteous" are brought back to life in order to learn about god during the 1000-year reign.
i don't think that's a bible teaching, for the following reason:.
1) no verse says that.
Revelation 20:4 KJV — And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Revelation 20:6 KJV — Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Who are Christ and the anointed going to rule over for a millennium?the witnesses teach that the "unrighteous" are brought back to life in order to learn about god during the 1000-year reign.
i don't think that's a bible teaching, for the following reason:.
1) no verse says that.
This begs the question though...
Who are the anointed going to rule over with a rod of iron during the 1000 year reign. Rev.12:5, 19:15
Great street evangelism question: How do you know your sins are forgiven if you are not in the new covenant?
do you have any evidence that the gb had bad intent?
as opposed to blind faith/cognitive dissonance and honest mistakes.. i'm inclined to think they have the best of intentions and are just wrong (primarily because the bible is wrong), but i'm willing to consider the evidence otherwise..
Deliberate efforts to cover up sexual abuse of children is clear evidence of bad intent no matter how many excuses an organization comes up with.
do you have any evidence that the gb had bad intent?
as opposed to blind faith/cognitive dissonance and honest mistakes.. i'm inclined to think they have the best of intentions and are just wrong (primarily because the bible is wrong), but i'm willing to consider the evidence otherwise..
The GB/FDS' unwillingness to admit to the the magnitude of the child sexual abuse problem and their use lawyers to stave off judgments in favour of the abused is ample evidence of bad intent.
When self preservation including protection for abusers trumps justice and mercy for those abused, assertions of righteousness are nothing less that an abomination.