I know Witnesses believe everything on the list but probably would not want to reveal these unique exclusivitic beliefs to the uninitiated at the start. Eg. All you Catholics are in Satan's organization or we will break up your family and shun you to the day that you die if you leave Jehovah's organization...etc.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
@ Minimus
Exactly what I want Witnesses to admit. To the one being recruited however, all these statements are mythology at best. If they have any Bible knowledge or appreciation at all they can just ask where these "facts" are found in scripture I.e., 1918, 1919, Bible students, Brooklyn etc. found in scripture?
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
Excellent point BluesBrother and Truth be known. This summary I created yesterday for a person who is being approached by a Witness. I wanted this unsupportable cult-proving list to be at least reluctantly affirmed by the recruiting Witness.
The Witness would have to admit to these unsupported beliefs or be caught in a lie.
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
I sent a list of statements about current WTS teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned Witness.
Hi EM....
Just a quick summary of what all “good” Jehovah's Witnesses believe...even though some of these things Witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about. This is your crash course. I have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.
Witnesses believes that:
a. the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is the one true religion
b. all other religions are part of Satan's organization, referred to as the Whore of Revelation 18...Babylon the Great, defined by the Watchtower Society as “the world empire of false religion”.
c. God is soon going to destroy all churches of Christendom, Catholic and Protestant during the coming “tribulation” or at Armageddon as well as all their followers.
d. with rare exceptions, only faithful JWs will survive Armageddon. The billions who perish at Armageddon will be forever destroyed without any hope of a resurrection.
e. Witnesses are to accept every official teaching that comes down from Watchtower headquarters and if they, as adults, vocalize any disagreement and persist in it will be disfellowshipped and shunned by friends and family. Unity at all costs
f. proper disfellowshipping offenses include ongoing unrepentant celebration of birthdays including Christ's birthday, unrepentant acceptance of blood transfusions or willing ongoing association with a known disfellowshipped or disassociated person or persons.
g. the 8 member Governing Body serving at Warwick New York headquarters represent the channel of truth for mankind. Together they are the Faithful and Wise Servant spoken of in Matthew 24:45-47.
h. that in October 1914 Jesus second coming occurred invisibly; he became king and from 1914 on has been ruling in the heavens giving his attention to the earth initially by examining the churches. The last generation which according to Jesus surely would not pass away...began in 1914. (note...since babies born in 1914 are 107 years old today, this generation teaching is just nonsense)
i. in the spring of 1918 the apostle Peter and all anointed ones who died (less than 144,000) were raised to heavenly life. The rest of mankind good and bad remain in the grave until the second resurrection which will take place soon.
j. In the fall of 1918, Jesus finished examining the churches and rejected all of them.
k. early in 1919, Jesus found a group of faithful Bible Student leaders serving at Brooklyn New York and appointed them to exclusively channel his truth to the nations via the publishing company they were using (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) This group of men was the original Faithful Slave whose office, mandate and ability to interpret the scriptures accurately was passed down to all subsequent Watchtower leaders. These leaders are not perfect and they can err in doctrine or organizational instruction, but they must be believed and obeyed nonetheless.
l. that prior to the 20th century (from AD 33 to 1900) there were less than 145,000 faithful Christians that ever existed. So this means that the millions who perished as martyrs before the twentieth century were not real Christians in the Watchtower eyes.
m. a new group of Christians began being called early in the 20th century; today there are only 8.5 million of these Christians in the world. These are not born-again; they do not have a heavenly hope; they are not entitled to partake of the bread and the wine symbolizing Jesus' death; they do not have eternal life, the indwelling Holy Spirit or the imputation of Christ's righteousness. They will only have a chance to earn eternal life if they survive Armageddon and serve during the millennium and prove themselves faithful.
One can read each of these statements to a Witness and if they are honest, they will affirm their truthfulness.
Has someone messaged me ?
by jhine inhi folks .
i haven't been on for a while and looked in today to see a notification that l had a pm .
however l can't see anything newer than a couple of months ago , which l had already opened .
Congratulations Jhine
Now you've got us curious about the luck guy you are engaged to.
J Dublethink
by LoveUniHateExams ini'm just thinking of examples of jw doublethink.. here's one - jws will tell a bible study or unbaptised publisher that there is no hierarchy within the org.
they typically remark on christendom's hierarchy but then say 'we are all brothers'.
but as a person gets further into the cult, jws will constantly stress the need to obey the governing body.. jw hierarchy .
I laugh when they say we have no leaders. Our leader is Christ they add.
But in the next sentence they talk about those who take the lead...I.e., the GB.
Bathing Daily Doesn’t Help The Planet
by minimus inthe new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
For those who wish to get rid of BO that hangs around after showering...including foot odor....apply apple-cider vinegar to offensive areas once a week while in the tub moments before you shower. You won't believe the effect. Thank me later....or at least your wife will.
I am Vander and I approve this message.
Street-Talk with Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 instreet-talk with jehovah's witnesses.
opening up a street-level dialogue with jehovah's witnesses:.
since this will probably be a one time occurrence, an important objective of any street encounter is to bless jws with doubt about their beloved organization.. after exchanging niceties, you might say something like:.
@Disillusioned JW
A valid criticism my friend. I will try to rectify that shortly.
Who is GOD going to destroy at Armageddon ? Christianity or Islam ?
by smiddy3 inhas anybody here been watching the series on stan or anywhere else called the godfather of harlem ?
i think it was towards the end of the 3rd episode of series one where the question is raised .. i am so far enjoying the episodes i`ve watched ..
Christendom and Islam with all their adherents are going down at Armageddon according to Watchtower religion. Only Jehovah's Witnesses, with very few exceptions, have a scriptural hope of surviving the coming onslaught.
Street-Talk with Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 instreet-talk with jehovah's witnesses.
opening up a street-level dialogue with jehovah's witnesses:.
since this will probably be a one time occurrence, an important objective of any street encounter is to bless jws with doubt about their beloved organization.. after exchanging niceties, you might say something like:.
Hi Phizzy,
If Witnesses claim that their religion is entirely Bible-based, as they like to do, I will ask them if false prophecy is Bible-based or if adding to scripture is Bible-based?
I will agree that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses represents Bible-based speculation. But then, of course, Bible-based becomes a meaningless claim when doctrines turn out to be absolutely unbiblical and obviously wrong. E.g. that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were resurrected in 1925 and could be called in Jerusalem and asked to raise granny in 1926.
I like your strategy of explaining that you are troubled by the hidden WT pedophile problem. Now that the WTS has officially joined the Australian redress scheme it is hard for Witnesses to deny there is a problem.