Yes, if God is Omniscient He foreknew it all including the holocaust, WWI and WWII etc.
This from "Room for Doubt"
"In these cases in which the biblical author seems to describe God as regretting something and it seems as though God did not know what would happen, it is anthropomorphic language. Anthropomorphic language (describing God using human terms) is used sometimes in the Bible. For example, God does not literally have an arm (Job 40:9) or nostrils (2 Sam. 22:9). We understand how we regret things, and by describing God as regretting His actions, it allows us to get a sense of how God feels about these sinful actions. There is some analogy between God’s sense of regret and our own, even though they are not perfectly analogous. God is infinite in knowledge and incapable of learning new information; by contrast, humanity is finite and needs to learn new things."
Since God lives outside of time He sees from beginning to end and if He is satisfied with the final result (the former things will pass away) I'm sure we will be satisfied when His image is formed in us.