Here is a conversation I am having at the moment.
B: All that we have taught is based on the Bible except for the idea that the great pyramid.
V: Bible based does not necessarily equate with biblical.
B: Prophecy to us is quite different to doctrine.
V: Doctrine based on prophecy is still doctrine. Christ’s 1874 and 1914 parousia was and is respectively based on interpretation of prophecy.
B: An exact explanation of prophecy are not necessary for salvation.
V: Will your organization baptize someone who doesn’t believe in the 1914 second presence doctrine?
B: Yes a person can be baptized if they don’t understand the reasons as to how 1914 was arrived at. It have no bearing on salvation. “
V: I’m talking about a person who rejects that Christ presence began in 1914. And he also doesn’t believe in the alleged 1918 rejection of Christendom and 1919 appointment of the Faithful Slave either…because dates are not important; they may change and they have nothing to do with baptism or salvation. So are you saying Jehovah’s Witnesses would offer Christian baptism to this person?
B: If a person has a different point of view from what ever evidence they have yes that can still be baptized as long as they don’t try to teach their different point of view.