Build up to 1925
"Year 1917 – First signs of 1925 teachings Although the real campaign of 1925 began in 1918, as the Watchtower Society itself documents, first publications on the expectations for this significant year, began to show up in 1917 year: No doubt Satan believed the Millennial Kingdom was due to be set up in 1915; and no doubt, also, he knew that seven years prior to the time of the setting up of that kingdom the restraints upon the evil spirits would be lifted.
Be that as it may, there is evidence that the establishment of the Kingdom in Palestine will probably be in 1925, ten years later than we once calculated. The 70 jubilees, reckoned as 50 years each, expire October, 1925. (B186.) Gen. 15:1-16:3, read connectedly, indicates that Abraham's vision as to when he would receive the Kingdom was not granted until ten years after the Covenant was made, or 2035 B. C. The ages of the animals offered aggregated eleven years, which, applied prophetically, on the scale of a year for a day, equal 3960 years, the length of time from the date of the visions to A.D. 1925. (Z.'07-79).
It seems conclusive that the hour of Nominal Zion's travail is fixed for the Passover of 1918. (See Rev. 3:14.) That will be 7 years prior to 1925. At that time there is every reason to believe the fallen angels will invade the minds of many of the Nominal Church people, driving them to exceedingly unwise conduct and leading to their destruction at the hands of the enraged masses, who will later be dragged to the same fate. The great war now raging is most certainly the work of evil spirits, and the Kaiser is not the only clever ruler who has been deceived by evil spirits, as history will sometime show. — Lu. 12:56. (The Finished Mystery 1917 p. 128). This coincides well with the thought previously expressed (Rev. 7:3) that all phases of Babylon will not be disposed of until about ten and a half years from the fall of 1914. (The Finished Mystery 1917 p. 178). (...) and we therefore expect three and a half years of proscription of the Truth, from the spring of 1918 to the fall of 1921. This will 19 give the Great Company splendid opportunities for martyrdom and allow another three and a half years, to the spring of 1925, for the world to think the matter over, by which time, doubtless, they will be quite ready to listen to the voice that speaketh from Heaven. – Heb. 12:19. (The Finished Mystery 1917 p. 177).
This vision of the prophet Ezekiel depicts the established theocratic Kingdom of God on earth, civil and religious, spiritual and earthly. While the Temple is an architectural possibility, as shown in the accompanying illustrations, (and may be erected at Jerusalem), it, in its various parts, surroundings, rites and worshippers, is a type and symbol of “better things to come,” after the wars, revolutions and anarchy of the period from 1914 to 1925 have passed. (The Finished Mystery 1917 p. 569). There will be no slip-up. (...) As he began his sojourn in the land in the year 2,045 B.C., it follows that the 3,960 years begin to count from 2,035 B.C. 2,035 plus 1,925 equals 3,960. Accordingly Abraham should enter upon the actual possession of his promised inheritance in the year 1925 A.D. (The Watchtower October 15, 1917 p. 6157, reprints)."