You did dodge a bullet my friend. The man of God is instructed to Flee fornication. Wise advice in my books. Many men of God might also be tempted to fantasize about these kind of experiences after the fact.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Avoiding Temptation As a Young Elder
by TMS init was the summer of '72.
i was 24 but had been the presiding overseer or congregation servant of a small congregation in the county seat of an arkansas county for about 3 years.. my regular pioneer wife of nearly four years was big and pregnant, with our attempts at birth control unsuccessful.. one of my wife's several bible studies was with a young woman named brenda whom my wife had encountered in door to door work.. brenda had two young children she could barely handle and was married to a very countryfied arkie named henry who worked as a chicken catcher, one of the most difficult jobs at the local chicken plant.. brenda eventually revealed that she'd been raised as a jw, but was never baptized, having left home to marry henry at age 14. she spoke of her family in texas, mentioning her mother and two older sisters, all jws she said.. one morning, just before the meeting for field service, we noticed a small car in kingdom hall parking lot.
my wife and i were parked to one side of the hall in our aluminum nashua house trailer.. two young women got out of the car and soon joined us for the meeting for service, identifying themselves as brenda's sisters from texas.. the two girls, ages 17 and 20, were distractingly beautiful, with the eldest decked out like a magnificent southern belle including hat and heels, her high-end clothing accentuating her very obvious curves.. with no one else showing up for field service, it ended up just the four of us in the car group with the two texas girls in the back seat.. starting our time at a not-at-home, the 20 year old asked if she could accompany me to "hear my presentation.
Romans 10:9, 13 Identifying Jesus as Jehovah?
by Daniel Michaels inthe use of the divine name in the nwtcgs
romans 10:9, 13
identifying jesus as jehovah
You are right...."Jehovah” Is not found on the lips of Jesus in the New Testament. Jesus addressed God as Father and instructed His disciples to do the same.
Jehovah's Witnesses will say that Jesus must have spoken the name Jehovah because He made His Father's name known. The question is, how did He make His Father's name known … by teaching people how to spell and pronounce God's name correctly or by demonstrating His Father's love, character and person through teaching, healing and sacrificing His iife for sinners.
The Pharisees knew and used God’s personal name, perhaps incessantly, but it did them absolutely no good because they did not know God as Father, nor Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Why are so many Jehovah’s Witnesses Angry and Rude?
by Vanderhoven7 inwhy do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
Why do you think many JWs are hostile and rude? Or is that just my imagination?
Mark Jones writes: The vast majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses are nice people. They strive to be honest and try their best to do what they’ve been told their god wants them to do.
The angry, hostile and rude Jehovah’s Witnesses you find on forums are not representative of the whole bunch. They’re not even supposed to be on here as their leaders forbid it. They’re often committing a disfellowshipping offense by communicating with former members - the irony is lost upon them.
The reasons they’re rude is due to one or more of the following factors:
- Critiquing the organization feels like a personal attack. This is common of cult members.
- They know it’s not the truth. But they’ve invested so much time, energy and effort into it that they’re playing out a sunk cost fallacy. If they leave, they have to acknowledge that they’ve wasted their lives and achieved nothing in all that time.
- Jealousy. We’re living happy, fulfilling lives and they’ve been told to wait until after Armageddon before they get to live their lives.
- They believe themselves to be intelligent but passed up going to University because Armageddon was supposed to have come by now. "
- Other?
Thanks for the background trivia Bill. Poor Ex-Mouseketeer Annette; what trials she endured.
Honest Hearted Ones
by Sea Breeze inthere are certain wt terms that sound biblical but really just puff up the pride.
hundreds of times the wt has used the term honest-hearted in their literature.
it sounds biblical, if for no other reason because we hear it so often in jw circles.
Hate to contradict, but honest hearted ones is biblical.
Luke 8:15 KJV — But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
Of course JWs see themselves and their leaders in this light and all others who do not accept them and their message as anything but.
Jesus chose and appointed those in Brooklyn in 1919 because of their doctrine and their honest hearts. Of course modern JWs usually can't name more that 2 of these how can they know anything about the condition of their hearts. It's all speculation upon speculation.
The name Puppylove brought back a little nostalgia for this 75 year old.
The position of Christ in the Godhead
by JW Answers inwhat is your views on christ?.
do you hold to the view that christ and the father are the same person?
do you hold to the view that jesus is a lesser god than the father?.
Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching another gospel and another Jesus. A gospel that does not save 8.5 million members and a Created angelic Jesus that no one can even have a relationship with. There is something gravely wrong when your religion prohibits you from calling on the Jesus, sharing your burdens with Him and telling Him that you love Him for dying for your sins...and living a life of victory based on what He paid for.
Romans 10:9, 13 Identifying Jesus as Jehovah?
by Daniel Michaels inthe use of the divine name in the nwtcgs
romans 10:9, 13
identifying jesus as jehovah
Good point Ding!
UN and Governing Body and an accounting
by AnnaNana injoseph and mary were not in a spiritually adulterous relationship with the roman authorities, the "legs of iron".
joseph and mary were not perfect.
the governing body of the modern-day organization of jehovah's witnesses is not perfect.
Hi Anna,
I don't think Jesus submitted to either the Pharisees or the Sadducees or any other illegitimate group. Their organizations were demonic. He promoted doing what they taught in the law, but urged the common people not to follow them. Instead He publicly ridiculed and blasted them for their hypocrisy. He never encouraged sinners to join or promote their organizations.
Our job as Christians is to promote Jesus; the gospel of the kingdom was a gospel of allegiance to the king. It's a spiritual kingdom of people who give their lives to the Saviour. Every one who is saved, justified and sanctified is in Christ and in His kingdom totally independent of an observable organization. Here is a 58 second video about Christian identity.
Romans 10:9, 13 Identifying Jesus as Jehovah?
by Daniel Michaels inthe use of the divine name in the nwtcgs
romans 10:9, 13
identifying jesus as jehovah
Regarding Jesus using the divine name, David Chord writes:
Unless you apply simple minded thinking and suspend obvious reality, it’s impossible to prove that Jesus ever spoke out God’s Holy name.
Let’s review… for thousands of years the Jews, out of fear, refused to speak or write God’s name. In all that time, God sent prophet after prophet, to correct the Jews attitudes, beliefs and actions but not once did any of those prophets tell the Jews to use and write His name…. (Ooops silly God). Irrespective, what JWs would have us believe is that suddenly one day, Jesus turns up and starts using God’s name! …but that’s not the most incredible thing. Despite using God’s name that the Jews have fearfully avoided for centuries, the Jews aren’t even mildly shocked and make not a single objection! The reality is that they would have been extremely angry and reacted strongly had Christ used God’s name!
Understanding this means looking at the very scriptures that JWs and other simple minded folk from a different realistic and truthfilled perspective….
“I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.” Jo 17:26
MADE YOUR NAME KNOWN.. is the key phrase that the simple minded latch onto ignoring the obvious problems like Jewish history, culture and reactions. They seem to ignore the previous verse…”Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you, but I know you, and these have come to know that you sent me.”
Hmm so in response to the world not knowing the Father (v25), Jesus simply makes the Father’s name known (v26)? That doesn’t even make sense!
The truth is that the term “name” or “onoma” does not always refer to the label a thing is known by and it’s pretty obvious if we study the bible. In these examples the word “name” does NOT mean the label of something but rather the authority or character… but don’t take my word for it, look at these four examples of the word in biblical usage…
Luke 13:35 “Behold your house is forsaken. And I tell you, you will not see me until you say ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’” We’re not waiting for someone to come inside a label but rather someone to come with the authority of the Lord.
Luke 9:49 John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” We don’t cast out demons with the label of the Lord but rather the authority of the Lord.
Luke 10:17 “The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name!” Demons aren’t subject to a label but rather to the authority of the Lord.
Luke 9:48 “and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me” Whoever receives a child in the label of the Lord receives God? Nope, we must receive a child in the authority or character of the Lord!
So when we consider the Jews, their fear of using the name of the Lord and their reaction when Jesus made God’s NAME known to them, we have to conclude that the bible isn’t actually saying that Jesus used God’s name at all. In context Jo 17:25 makes it clear Jesus wasn’t making God’s name known but was making God’s character and authority known.
(note that this also applies to the Lord’s prayer… Hallowed be thy name. It’s not the label of God that is to be hallowed but rather His character and His authority, that His name represents)