@Beth Sarim
If that's the case then it appears that Watchtower is limiting God's ability to save and sanctify individuals based on extra-biblical criteria.
@ Scholar
Your thoughts. Does one have to believe in 1914, 1918, and 1919 to be a Christian?
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
@Beth Sarim
If that's the case then it appears that Watchtower is limiting God's ability to save and sanctify individuals based on extra-biblical criteria.
@ Scholar
Your thoughts. Does one have to believe in 1914, 1918, and 1919 to be a Christian?
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
“Scripture interpret Scripture” and can be aptly demonstrated with four simple syllogisms:
Major premise#1: Three times this Babylon is called “O great city” (Rev 18:9, 16, 19) Minor premise #1: “The great city” is “where also their Lord was crucified” (Rev 11:8) Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
Major premise #2: Babylon was guilty of “the blood of the prophets” (Rev 17:6; 18:24) Minor premise #2: According to Jesus and Paul, only Jerusalem killed the prophets (Matt 23:34–35; Luke 13:33; 1 Thess 2:15–16) Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon Major
premise #3: John’s people are commanded, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues” (Rev 18:4) Minor premise #3: The only city Jesus ever commanded his followers to flee from is Jerusalem—when they saw two specific signs (Matt 24:15– 16; Luke 21:20–21). Eusebius recorded that this departure happened and no Christians were trapped and destroyed in the siege and destruction of Jerusalem in ad 707 Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
Major premise #4: This Babylon would be destroyed (Rev 18:2, 8, 10, 11,
17, 19–23)
Minor premise #4: The only city Jesus said would be destroyed was Jerusalem—it would be “left to you desolate” (Matt 23:38) with “not one
stone . . . left on another” (Matt 24:2)
Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
The said scholar has nicely termed the three most significant prophetic dates in the Bible: 1914, 1918, and 1919 as an eschatological triennium.
Can a person be a Christian if he or she doesn't believe that the events purported by Watchtower to have taken place on these three dates actually happened?
In other words does one have to believe in 1914, 1918, and 1919 to be a Christian?
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Shortly, within our twentieth century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah p. 216
"Some of that "generation" could survive until the end of the century. But there are many indications that "the end" is much closer than that!" Watchtower 1984 Mar 1 pp.18-19
"He was laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century". Watchtower 1989 Jan 1 p.12.
i spent most of my life in the org.
we were taught that our purpose in life was to serve jehovah.
that never really made sense to me, but it was still a purpose to keep going.
I agree that there is no self evident meaning or purpose in life. However, Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life and that you might have it more abundantly. That sounds to me like a relationship overflowing with meaning and purpose.
I see you did find meaning and purpose in your marriage. As a believer, I see sacrificial love in marriage as a picture of ultimate meaning and purpose.
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
I could accept your first paragraph with the following correction
"The 'faithful and discreet slave' or steward described in Matthew 24:45-46 and Luke 12: 41-48 are both parables which describe not only Christians as individuals being faithful to the Master's commands in being diligent in carrying responsibilities of discipleship and to heed the exhortation to 'Keep on the Watch!' but also as a collective - the true Church of anointed Christians. The context of these parables is eschatological which pertains to events beginning in 1914 CE with the birth of God's Kingdom and the Parousia. that will transpire when Christ returns, i.e., at the parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1914, 1918, 1919 1922, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1928, 1929, 1975 all mythologically manufactured bogus dates with no evident biblical significance..
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
Every faithful anointed follower of Jesus Christ from the first to the twenty-first century.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Well said TD.
And for example, i see almosr all of Matthew 24 applying to Christ's generation, not the 1914 or the 1934 or the 21st century generation.
what are some of the red flags that should alert people to the fact that jehovah's witnesses are a high control and damaging religion?.
one that comes to mind is.
1. one cannot leave jehovah's witnesses with one's reputation intact.
Are not simple leavers who leave a note behind as to why they are leaving classified as apostates who are hated by Witnesses. Or have you forhotten that Morris said "I hate them!" while declaring they will soon be snuffed out as he blew out a match for illustration.
what are some of the red flags that should alert people to the fact that jehovah's witnesses are a high control and damaging religion?.
one that comes to mind is.
1. one cannot leave jehovah's witnesses with one's reputation intact.
This is not about me.
You say that many are justifiably good weaklings but these weak ones should be strong enough to bear the shame of unjust defamation ...as well as the rejection of family and friends. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.