Hi Gavin,
May the words God spoke to you come to pass real soon.
i created this website as a legacy to reach my children and have a reference for my story.
it is my truth in discovering the truth for my son ashton and my daughter honey bee..
Hi Gavin,
May the words God spoke to you come to pass real soon.
i just wonder about this topic as it is now 109 years since that date and what was expected to take place has never happened ..
I found this question on line:
Is it true that the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the only way of salvation?
The answer given was:
If you don’t trust the Faithful Slave, you do not trust Jehovah. How can anyone be saved if they don’t trust Jehovah? Jehovah fully trusts the Faithful Slave, so shouldn’t you trust the Slave as well and receive the words of the Faithful Slave as the word of God.
All the evidence in the Bible points to the selection of the Slave in 1919 when Joseph Rutherford and the directors of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania were serving in Brooklyn New York. These were fine anointed men, with humble hearts teaching wonderful truths out of the Bible. Yes, they made asses of themselves when they taught in the Millions Campaign that 1925 would mark the return of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that in 1926 you could call Abraham in Jerusalem and ask for Granny to be raised. But, they, unlike Christendom admitted their mistake and revised their understanding.
Similarly in 1968 when they taught young people that they would never grow old in this system and were encouraged to stay alive till 75 and now they are AARP card carrying senior citizens. But that mistake was because many Jehovah’s Witnesses blew these cautious predictions in their minds until they burst asunder. Then they were humbled and learned not to serve God for a date. That is when the true worshippers began making those neglected repairs on their homes and made dentist appointments again. But the point is, the Faithful Slave is not infallible like the Pope of Rome. Yet if you do not heed their message and refuse to trust them, you will be destroyed at Armageddon or sooner, during the Great Tribulation. Only those who trust in these princes have a scriptural hope of surviving the conclusion of this system of things…as the scriptures say.
Unfortunately, Jesus can’t save you without them. So hurry and come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation.
i just wonder about this topic as it is now 109 years since that date and what was expected to take place has never happened ..
I don't see in scripture that people must find an organization to have God's approval or to be justified
The requirements for forgiveness and imputation of righteousness are clear and they are repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is nothing like; you must trust the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses to have God's approval.
i just wonder about this topic as it is now 109 years since that date and what was expected to take place has never happened ..
So without 1914 or 1919, what exactly makes association with wt essential to salvation?
i just wonder about this topic as it is now 109 years since that date and what was expected to take place has never happened ..
@ Fisherman
"It doesn’t depend on wt."
What doesn't depend on wt?
Doesn't Jehovah's approval and surviving Armageddon depend on association with wt?
Are there Christians, i.e., members of the Great Crowd of other sheep running around today that don't associate with wt?
i just wonder about this topic as it is now 109 years since that date and what was expected to take place has never happened ..
Hi Rattigan.
Can you be specific? I don't see a single sign for the parousia in either chapter.
i just wonder about this topic as it is now 109 years since that date and what was expected to take place has never happened ..
The 1914 parousia is bogus nonsense based on a series of groundless assumptions as were the 1844 and 1874 parousias.
both the 144,000 and the "great crowd") consist of members who are:.
144,000 great crowd.
a. from every kindred and nation.
The Faithful Slave has hijacked both the living remnant of the 144,000 and the entire Great Crowd as being solely associated with their organization in New York.
In other words, one has to be associated with their organization to be a Christian.
Unfortunately for 99.9% of Watchtower Witnesses, biblically speaking, there is no such thing as a Christian who is not indwelt by the Holy Spirit and is bereft of a heavenly hope.
Consequently their version of the Great Crowd is bogus.
both the 144,000 and the "great crowd") consist of members who are:.
144,000 great crowd.
a. from every kindred and nation.
Both the 144,000 and the "Great Crowd") consist of members who are:
144,000 Great Crowd
a. From every kindred and nation. 5:9 ... 7:9
b. Servants of God. 7:3.... 7:15
c. Divinely protected thru tribulation 9:4,5 /Acts 14:22.... 7:14
d. followers of the Lamb 14:4 .... 7:17
e. Redeemed 14:3 .... 7:14
f. Pure and Spotless 14:4 7:13,14
g. Standing before the throne 14:1,3,5.... 7:9
h. Before the Lamb 5:8 ... 7:9
i. In His temple (naos) 11:1,2 .... 7:15; 11:19
j. Tenting/residing with God 2Cor. 6:16.... 7:15
k. Dressed in white robes 6:11.... 7:9
l. Wearing robes that are washed 22:14 .... 7:14
m. A heavenly class 14:1; 4:1,2; .... 19:1
n. Spirit begotten 7:3.... I Jn. 5:1
enough rhetoric for now, here is my promised first part to my series.. for the benefit of lurkers, i'm using mainly wt publications as my research to show this information isn't 'apostate'.
part 1: association with russell and the bible students.
i want to ask an honest question.
I wonder how much of the following is true or at least documented regarding J.F. Rutherford. Certainly some slanderous stuff that I don't find evidence for.
Maxime J. Chevalier writes
"J. F. Rutherford had “many wives” he used to house these women of his, in specially built cabins within the spacious gardens of his Luxury house “BethSarem” in San Diego.
In fact, despite legal refusals by Federal authorities to grant his burial in those gardens, (his body got sent to New York but the same objections arose all over again so he finally secretly got sent back to San Diego ) and Rutherford’s final resting places in BENEATH THE GARAGE under a slab of concrete, where close friends and older Bethelites conducted a secret burial service.
However, their wife’s faces and identities are very carefully kept secret, not publicly photographed, and a well-kept private matter.
One has also to ask the begging other question, are any of them re-married a second or third time, and are any of these “Spokesmen for God” Divorced?
Remember Charles Taze Russell? he had to grant his soon-to-be-divorced ex-wife a large portion and share of the earnings he “enjoyed from the Watchtower Corporation Society and its book sales.
During a rather pressing and embarrassing court session, Russell also publicly confessed and admitted that he was both a Practicing Satanist and a Child abuser pedophile and Freemason, that he was a member, possibly the Grand Master, Member of Cross and Crown Knights templar Freemasonry.
“To make a mistake is not a sin, but it is if you pass it on and share it with others”. (BROOKING CLARCK).
“Are they all Holy these holy men of God?”. (Bryn Martial Ferrand.)
Founder Members turn out to be really rather sinful, ordinary, and money-making, just the same way entirely that today these “Holy men of God” (self-appointed and self-claimed holiness) try to trick and dupe the public and their cult followers.
Another instance of disappointment, comes with Leader Josef Franklin Rutherford, nicknamed “Judge” Rutherford by some because he served a brief stint on the Federal Court circuit at a low level, as an ordinary “official” and NOT a Court Judge at all, Rutherford vetoed and canceled all of Charles taze Russells Will and testamentary Dispositions, nulling and voiding Russells Will. he then took over as Leader and helped himself to a Luxury Life by moving at once into the Luxury Home known as Beth Sarim (Biblical House of Princes) which the JW ORG held in trust supposedly “for the return of the Prophets” as a place for them to go and live….
meanwhile, Josef Rutherford moved in and promptly embarked on a scandalous series of sexually casual relationships….he also owned and drove several Luxury Cadillac automobiles, and flew to nazi germany where he used Watchtower Monies to bankroll some of Adolf Hitler’s secret sinister aviation Luftwaffe program, held a Watchtower Rally flying the swastika, and associated with and attempted to gain access to Hitler’s inner social circle.
Below Himmler with Hitler. Note Hitler wears his famous White Coat….
Below Rutherford he was not a Judge, used false credentials, lied to the faithful, and led a shameful Luxury Life paid for with all their money. he was an American Fifth Columnist Traitor and a Nazi sympathizer. His application to be buried in the gardens at Beth Sarim was refused by the US Federal Court, to avoid creating a center of “Pilgrimage” there.
Rutherford associated himself with the biblical “faithful and discreet slave”, going as far as directly linking himself in public conferences and speeches, with the bible prophesies of the slave. He had the sheer Gaul to take upon himself and his immediate “appointed” society representatives, newly released from jail after the end of the war.
Rutherford, like other Governing body members’ lifestyles today, simply is a miss match and incompatible with holy scripture.
The apostle Paul warned, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain”
1st Timothy Chapter 6 verses 3 to 5 (ESV Bible translation).
He entered into formal high-level negotiations with the chief of service Gestapo and Waffen SS Heinrich Himmler, to use the Watchtower Organization in the “occupied territories of the Reich” as an anti-communist weapon. While thousands of loyal faithful deceived brothers and sisters went to a horrifying death in Himmler’s gas vans and concentration camp ovens, Rutherford, watchtower Leader and so-called spokesperson for “Jehovah” was selling them right out to Hitler. He may have also attended top-level nazi Round Table rituals at the Schloss Wewelsburgh.
Below Rutherford and his JW ORG Associates, all went to Federal Prison during the German war.
This writer has seen a previously published old Photograph showing Rutherford, wearing a nazi ceremonial SS Officers Uniform, in company with other Nazis, on the occasion of Adolf Hitlers Birthday. It was taken at a German Luftwaffe airfield in Occupied France after the successful completion of a series of “Birthday Honouring” Low Level “PIRAT” Luftwaffe bomber raids on the South West of England. (Courtesy of ‘Ober Leutnenat REISSER).
Below Wewelsburg, the castle of the false graal, where Himmler and Hitler and top-level nazis fraternized and conducted strange dark occultist rituals with nazi overtones.
Schloss Wewelsburg. Setting for the False Grail Order and Occultist nazi rituals. Jehovist Leader Josef Franklin Rutherford may have received invites here.
It is consistently claimed again and again by JW ORG Literature and spokesmen, that the Governing Body is highly evolved, highly elevated decision-takers and makers, and is some sort of divinely favored group of spirit-directed men who speak for God.
Sorry to shatter your reality and world life viewpoint, but this above idea and belief or credo, quite simply is just not true at all.
Below Rutherfrd burial Plot is not “where it might appear” to be……” No evidence of any graves on the small piece of land that the watchtower owns”. Raymond Franz openly stated he was buried in Beth Sarim. My how the Plot thickens…..
Jehovah’s highly elevated servants are in fact very “ordinary men” in terms of marriage and human relationships, and they just are not the high spiritual figures that ordinary rank and file J W ORG members are told to believe they are.
Rutherford and Russell are far from the unique sole exceptions, both within JW ORG and indeed “other religions” to do this. Though given their claims while alive to be Holy Men of God, and God’s spokespersons, really highly “remarquable”.