<<I have started to understand my Bible! I read it more than ever, and now it truly has a positive impact on my life!>>
Glad to hear you didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
dear brothers!.
we have gathered here because, according to your claims, i have apostatized, and as elders, it is your duty to maintain the purity of the flock.
it seems now that someone has contaminated it, apparently.
<<I have started to understand my Bible! I read it more than ever, and now it truly has a positive impact on my life!>>
Glad to hear you didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
hebrews 6:4-8. for it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the holy spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of god and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the son of god to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.
7 for land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from god.
8 but if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.. but then i read articles that say that you cannot lose your salvation and that this scripture isn't talking about that.. but then 2 timothy says.
Reminds me of the time Ned Flanders had a nervous breakdown. He asked God - why, since he believed everything the Bible says...even the parts that contradict the other parts.
My take is that people can kick a hole in the ark if they want. Contrary to Reformed Theology, free will got us in and free will can take us out.
However, nothing external to ourselves can separate us from the love of God in Christ. Romans 8:39
dear brothers!.
we have gathered here because, according to your claims, i have apostatized, and as elders, it is your duty to maintain the purity of the flock.
it seems now that someone has contaminated it, apparently.
It seems that Disfellowshipped-Brother has left the building. He may have initially thought this was a WTS recognized site.
the..."other sheep...are...not even justified".
- wt 1938 pg.
jw's are internationally famous for rejecting the new covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" (mt.
Yes, ask them first if they have peace with God?
They will answer yes, they have the peace of God.
That's not what I'm asking...then turn to Roman's 5:1 (I.e. peace with God because of justification)
Then verse 9
dear brothers!.
we have gathered here because, according to your claims, i have apostatized, and as elders, it is your duty to maintain the purity of the flock.
it seems now that someone has contaminated it, apparently.
Hi Disfellowshipped-brother
Welcome to the forum!
"Romans 8:28"
Perhaps your being disfellowshipped is a part of the fulfillment of Romans 8:28 in your case. If you love Jehovah and His Son Jesus then you have eternal life with or without the approval of men in your congregation who are not led by the Spirit of Christ. John 17:3
Please hang around this forum for a while and get a better picture of what free exchange is all about.
i believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.. you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in brooklyn in 1919?"2.
when you will be refused baptism if: a. you don't believe jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bc (whereas all non-jw scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 bc.)b.
i believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.. you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in brooklyn in 1919?"2.
when you will be refused baptism if: a. you don't believe jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bc (whereas all non-jw scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 bc.)b.
Excellent additions JWGB!
i believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.. you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in brooklyn in 1919?"2.
when you will be refused baptism if: a. you don't believe jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bc (whereas all non-jw scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 bc.)b.
There is no such thing as the right or one true religion. No doubt some churches have more truth than others, but JWs are missing the boat totally.
Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ which Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden to have. They cannot address their Michael the archangel to say, "Thank you for saving me and forgiving all of my sins!" first of all because they are not saved (which they admit) and secondly because their Jesus is not entitled to direct communication.
i believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.. you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in brooklyn in 1919?"2.
when you will be refused baptism if: a. you don't believe jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bc (whereas all non-jw scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 bc.)b.
Some good ones to add to the list.
"When your own literature becomes your worst enemy"
i believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.. you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in brooklyn in 1919?"2.
when you will be refused baptism if: a. you don't believe jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bc (whereas all non-jw scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 bc.)b.
I believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.
know you are in the wrong religion:
1. when the all
important question is not: "Do you believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ?"....but...."Do you believe in the "Faithful
and Discreet Slave" appointed in Brooklyn in 1919?"
when you will be refused baptism if:
a. you don't
believe Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BC (whereas all non-JW
scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took
place in 587 BC.)
b. you, like Cornelius, are a member of the
c. you, like Daniel, Joseph and the Ethiopian eunuch
hold political office.
d. you don't believe the apostles went
door-to-door and that Christians are required to do the same.
you believe that the majority of Christians running around today are
not part of the New Covenant, do not have a heavenly hope, and are
not Spirit-begotten or born again.
f. you don't believe that
finding and serving in the right organization (the one with
headquarters formerly in Brooklyn, now in Columbia Heights ) is
necessary to escape eternal destruction at Armageddon.
when window-washing, JC Penny suit-wearing elders insist that THEY
carry out and handle cases of child abuse and NOT the trained
4. when your organization holds NGO status
in the Wild Beast of Revelation for close to 10 years running.
when your leaders have a 100% failure rate interpreting biblical
prophecy...except of course when it comes to invisible stuff.
6. when you have to surrender your conscience to men.
7. when independent thinking is labeled as sin.
8. when you are to encourage everyone else to question their religion, but are forbidden to question your own.
9. when you are told not to look into the past history, or failed predictions because that would not be " encouraging ".
10. when your religion enforces medical quackery such as forbidding vaccinations or organ transplants.
when you are forbidden to celebrate birthdays because thousands of
years ago, someone died at a birthday party.
12. when you are
constantly told to wait on Jehovah for answers to your scriptural
questions and doubts.
when child victims have to jump through hoops to expose a
14. when you have shunned your own children
for the last 25+ years.
15. when you just had to
suppress the thought that you might be in the wrong religion.
when the youngest of the final generation are over 107 years
17. when you are denied life saving medical
18. when you are taught to distrust your own thoughts.
19. when you were told you didn't need college because you would not have time for a career in this system and now you a card carrying member of AARP.
when you can't figure out the current teachings on which 'fractions
of fractions of fractions of blood' are acceptable to Jehovah.
when you find out that you and your wife made love in the wrong
22. when all your friends stop speaking to you
because you visit web sites critical of the Watchtower
when you will be disfellowshipped (spiritually executed) if
you don't agree that rejecting the authority men in Warwick is worthy
of excommunication and shunning ex-JW family members.
b. you
verbalize disagreement with any doctrinal position or change handed
down from the current governing body in New York.
c. you
engage in any behavior that could be labeled as "brazen",
and you refuse to "repent" when called before a kangaroo
d. you allow your child to have a blood transfusion to
save his or her life.
24. when you casually
say "i don't think the governing body is the true channel"
the room gets quiet they all look at you pointing and screaming your
cover is blown the alien controlled humans are chasing you the last
remaining human who still has a human brain.
25. when you
see the words "Jehovah" and "Witness"