Here are some areas that I have found:
Not only is Watchtower eschatology offbase, which is not critical, but so is Watchtower soteriology … which is critical. For example:
The Bible says not to put trust in men who cannot save. Watchtower says unless you put your trust in men in Warwick you cannot be saved.
The Bible says, you must be born again or you will not enter or see the kingdom. There are no exceptions. Watchtower says you don't have to be born again to see the kingdom.
The Bible says without the indwelling Holy Spirit, you do not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9). Watchtower says you can belong to Christ without the indwelling Holy Spirit.
The Bible says that there is no life for those who do not eat his flesh and drink his blood. Watchtower says you do not need to eat his flesh or drink his blood to be saved and have life…. But you should attend the memorial where sometimes no one consumes the emblems.
The Bible says to honor Jesus as you honor the Father. Watchtower says that you cannot even address Jesus to thank him for dying for your sins. All you can do is tack on his name at the end of a prayer even though he is not your mediator.
The Bible says, believers in Jesus are saved and have eternal life right now. Watchtower says you can't know you are saved until and if you survive Armageddon and even then you won't know for 1000 years.
Apparently JWs would rather trust men and their word rather than God and His word.