Is the idea that it may not be too late for people to repent after the GT starts found in recent WT publications?
looks like we can expect a kinder, gentler jehovah and jesus during the great tribulation.
the door will not be closed to all non jws at the start of the tribulation.
but will have time to repent after false religion is destroyed.
Is the idea that it may not be too late for people to repent after the GT starts found in recent WT publications?
for newbies, who was carl olof jonsson?
he was a jw in sweden who was challenged by a householder in the 1960s, who pointed out to him that secular history books don’t agree with watchtower that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, but instead place the event 20 years later.
the reason the date is important is because it is the starting date for jw chronology which leads to 1914 as the end of the gentile times, and the beginning of the last days, as jws understand it.
Dan Delagrave
"And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." (Luke 21:24)
There has been much misunderstanding in the modern Church concerning "the times of the Gentiles." The correct interpretation must be consistent with both the immediate context and the greater weight of scripture.
"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass
away, till all be
fulfilled." (Luke 21:32)
"And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh . . . and Jerusalem shall be trodden down (pateho) of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." (Luke 21:20, 24)
The times of the Gentiles referred to the treading down, or desolation, of first century Jerusalem, which Jesus called "the days of vengeance". In other words, it was God's mission for the Gentiles to bring judgment upon Jerusalem. This is consistent with past judgments upon Israel, when God brought Gentiles armies into their land to desolate it.
The whole controversy centers on the duration of the treading down of Jerusalem. The Greek for "trodden" is pat-eh'-o (#3961 in Strong's Concordance), and it means "to trample down underfoot". The parallel to Lk.21:24 is seen in Revelation 11:2, which says:
"But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot (pateho) forty and two months." Rev 11:2
Could it be any plainer? The times of the Gentiles, or treading down of Jerusalem, entailed no more than a forty two month period of time, the exact duration of the Jewish-Roman War. This is in perfect harmony with Daniel 12:7, where the defining characteristic of "the time of the end" is said to be "the scattering of the power of the holy people", which we are told would be accomplished during "a time, times, and a half", or forty two months.
this is going to break the hearts of a lot of uber-jw's!
reddit has now removed the video link of samuel herd telling jw's they will no longer have to report time or placements - just tick a box which says "active.".
Freya says
Soon enough it will become clear that this is a legal move. Watchtower already has issues in the courts. It is an attempt to avoid the concept of “agents” and limit litigation. This is why the term “members” has been dropped. If congregants are not members and are not agents who report their activity to Watchtower, the organisation cannot be held liable in the courts for anything these people do.
this is going to break the hearts of a lot of uber-jw's!
reddit has now removed the video link of samuel herd telling jw's they will no longer have to report time or placements - just tick a box which says "active.".
Norris says
"It’s vital to the organisation that a positive image is shown, and why they are so overly protective against critics, whistleblowers and apostates.
Is there really a sudden need to change something that’s been done for years ? Why now ?
Regardless of how this will be spun in J.W land, the reason can only be a coverup of poor statistics, instead of having to show a poor yearly report, they can now say we no longer collect the data."
i didint search to see if its been talked about.
big news for jws sheeple , no more reporting.
I agree with Andy Norris who said"
"It’s vital to the organisation that a positive image is shown, and why they are so overly protective against critics, whistleblowers and apostates.
Is there really a sudden need to change something that’s been done for years ? Why now ?
Regardless of how this will be spun in J.W land, the reason can only be a coverup of poor statistics, instead of having to show a poor yearly report, they can now say we no longer collect the data."
sometimes things don't come across the way the speaker intended.. years ago there was an ad by the whitegoods company fisher and paykel.
they showed them going to great lengths to get customer feedback on what was important to them.
one customer said that she wanted it to be easy to get her appliances serviced when they broke down.
"God always had an organization"...you know Adam and Eve were an organization...Noah and his sons were an organization.etc
"Make the Truth your own"...by deep research of Watchtower publications only.
"Who else is obeying Jehovah's command to preach the gospel around the world"....albeit a false gospel which does not save 8.5 million adherents.
here is an apostate elder's honest testimony.. https://youtu.be/epmbbou4nve?si=lzhgmnbyyryurayx.
Yes, and it seems like this elder has paid a heavy price for his crisis of conscience.
i see this phrase a lot: "the indication of a cult is what happens when you leave.
" i'm not sure where that originated, but it is a faulty categorization.
"cult" is almost always used in a derogatory way.
A high control religious group that claims they are the only Christians on earth and that to disobey their leaders is to disobey God and to leave their religion is to leave God and to disagree with anything coming from headquarters is a disfellowshipping offense sounds like a cult to me.
here is an apostate elder's honest testimony.. https://youtu.be/epmbbou4nve?si=lzhgmnbyyryurayx.
Here is an apostate elder's honest testimony.
this video starts slow, but is worth the watch.
This video starts slow, but is worth the watch.