Nothing new here
April 1, 1967 Watchtower p.197)
"we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days!!!".
how are they going to phrase this in ten years time......
Nothing new here
April 1, 1967 Watchtower p.197)
fyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
the recent broad casts about not handing in time sheets, and then about beards, especially the beards, it seems so trivial, are those talks only released in order to distract the followers from the recent court case they lost on spain, from the csa cases, the kh sales and so on?.
i reckon they're taking their lead from the media, distract and divide tactics..
Beards OK and filling in forms no longer required are critical issues proving Jehovah of the Watchtower continues to major in minors and the Faithful Slave has nothing to important say to mankind.
even elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
M.M writes -Apparently, watchtower used to think unfavorably regarding “new light”. But, just as with excommunication, or disfellowshipping/shunning as jws call it, they discovered it is useful to control and keep their followers.
*** w52 2/1 pp. 80-81 par. 13 Jehovah’s Theocratic Organization Today ***
13 There are some who seem to dote on speculations. They love to be the talking center of little groups, voicing their theories on how or when this or that is going to happen. They may not be deliberately rebellious about what the slave provides, but if they can offer only what the slave has already supplied they do not stand out. How can they shine personally if they merely reflect what all others of Jehovah’s witnesses are reflecting? So they seek for something more sensational, for some “new light” to dazzle unwary listeners. As they feed the open-mouthed listeners their line of new theories, the listeners by their rapt attention feed the ego of the speculators. When someone else begins to do the talking and occupies the spotlight, the speculator loses interest in the conversing group and drifts on. These speculating ones may acknowledge that some of their past theories were wrong, but they do not show they have learned the lesson from these mistakes by refraining from bringing forth new theories. Their longing to be viewed as an independent and deep thinker is stronger than their desire to be theocratic.
become a jw only if you can't cope with the real world.
i believe i picked this up here but can't find the thread.
i think it worth a repost.. “top ten reasons jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world.
Become a JW only if you can't cope with the real world. I believe I picked this up here but can't find the thread. i think it worth a repost.
1.The WatchTower hOrganization denies access to reality, substituting its OWN propaganda version instead
2. Between every real-world event and the JW's mind, a roadblock has been placed.
3. Individual tastes for Personal IDENTITY are expunged and replaced by a collective PERSONA. You are not yourself. You are to be viewed as a representative and example.
4. Both History and Future cease to be objective occurrences
c. Terrorist atrocities are proof positive of a Satanic doomed world.
d. Individual triumphs and tragedies have no particular value; only Armageddon matters.
5. Talent, Creativity and Genius are transformed into useless ego obsessions.
6. Ignorance, poverty, disease and psychological disturbance are NOT worthwhile for charity, education or institutional tasking for JW's.
7. Human perception is untrustworthy, corrupted by sin and worldliness
8. There are no "Good" people in any other religion. If they were good they'd join Jehovah's Witnesses.
9. Everything you read, see, experience and think is a distortion by Satan for the purpose of deflecting you from Jehovah's TRUTH.
10. Doubting Jehovah's organization isn't the result of logic or awareness of errors
In view of the Ten reasons above, there can be no doubt that the Organization has completely REMOVED REALITY from JW awareness.
Being denied a right to reality is to have one's mind taken hostage.
Without thinking your own thoughts you cannot ever be an actual real person.
The group thinks FOR you and instructs you what to do and say and how to be.
Without that GROUP there is only doubt, emptiness, and longing to be cocooned by the "other" and cradled away from fear.
Why it is hard to break free?
You wonder why JW family member won't listen to reason?
You wonder why the obvious isn't at all obvious?
so for those amongst us who celebrate the season .
merry christmas everyone.
.. jan from tam .
Yes! We can celebrate the birth, life death, resurrection, Ascension and future parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ every day of the year.
Joyeux Noel to all!
richard dawkins revealed that he celebrates christmas on radio four's today programme.. here is is quoted as saying: .
'i am perfectly happy on christmas day to say merry christmas to everybody,' dawkins said.
'i might sing christmas carols - once i was privileged to be invited to kings college, cambridge, for their christmas carols and loved it.
No, because partying, decorating trees and giving presents has nothing to do with pretending to be religious.
what is worse for jw's: changing the 1914 doctrine or allowing beards without the right to say what their opinion is?.
"There is nothing wrong with 1914. It is solid doctrine that preceded the governing body, Rutherford, Russell, etc."
Actually there is everything wrong with 1914.
Initially, it was based on the 1874 parousia. Because Russell assumed that a generation lasted max 40 years, Armageddon would occur by 1914 at the latest.
As I understand it, Rutherford changed the 1874 parousia date to 1914 around 1930. It could have been as early as 1927 when he also changed the resurrection of the saints to heavenly life date from 1888 to 1918.
Regardless, currently the 1914 is based on at least 9 assumptions, the first being that Daniel 4 has a second fulfillment.
So the 1914 doctrine is solid only in the minds of those who are also willing to mindlessly assume that Jesus was talking about an overlapping generation.
lett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
M.M. writes:For all these years jehovah's witnesses have been practicing paganism and didn't even know it.🤣
*** w68 5/1 p. 286 Questions From Readers ***
Jesus, born a Jew, “came to be under law” and he fulfilled the Law. (Gal. 4:4; Matt. 5:17) This was in order that he might pave the way for the abolishing of the Law and for release of the Jews from the curse of the Law, the condemnation of death that it brought against them. (Eph. 2:15; Gal. 3:13) Like all other Jews, Jesus was under obligation to keep the whole law. One of the commandments of the Law was: “You must not cut your side locks short around, and you must not destroy the extremity of your beard.” (Lev. 19:27) God doubtless gave Israel this law because among some pagans it was the practice to cut the beard in a certain fashion in worship of their gods. (Jer. 9:26; 25:23) Nevertheless, that law did not mean that a beard was not to be well kept, for in the Near East a well-groomed beard was considered a symbol of dignity and respectability.—2 Sam. 19:24.
latest gb update.
only took them 20 years to see beards are acceptable in society.
@ Ding: Re GB Control
Mark Jones writes:
How much control does the GB have over members?
It depends on the member.
For some, the control is absolute. For others (most in fact) the control is, at the very least, very high.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to pray to Jesus - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them not to pray to Jesus - they’ll stop.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to let their child die - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to die for refusing to get involved in politics - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to get involved in politics by lobbying for a political decision to secure the leaders assets - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to bribe officials - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to shun their own children - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them to reject organ transplants - they will.
If a Watchtower magazine tells them believe that Jesus is just an angel - they will.
And to top it all off, anyone who decides the religion isnt true and simply wishes to leave can… but they’ll lose their family. Dennis Cybulski doesn't mention that bit to you because he’s trying to sugarcoat it to make it sound like a real religion.
You know, like a cult?