"Of course Trinitarians can be Christians."
"Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins!"
"Happy birthday son!"
"Of course we are brainwashed; after all we are in a cult"
BTW Meals on Wheels is priceless NF.
a slightly tongue in cheek, but also serious roundup of jw speak and why trying to reason with them is like trying to chip through concrete with a plastic spoon.. how many can you think of??.
elder: 'yes.
i read through the material you asked me to at your judicial meeting - you're right we're both in a cult!
"Of course Trinitarians can be Christians."
"Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins!"
"Happy birthday son!"
"Of course we are brainwashed; after all we are in a cult"
BTW Meals on Wheels is priceless NF.
did they hope that everybody who read the1969 awake as a kid is too senile to remember?.
Remember though that the writers of the New Testament were raised to heavenly life in 1918 and may have even actually helped the writers of the May 22, 1969 Awake article with the finer details.
I graduated from high school in 1968 and went on to college while a bright fellow graduate told me that there would not be enough time left in this system to develop a career and that I'd better become a JW by 1975 or I would be destroyed. I told him he would wake up in 1976 with egg all over his face. What a waste!
it's not only the jws who do door to door witnessing.
the independent baptists for the most part have "soul winning", mainly door to door witnessing and leaving tracts, as a tennet of their faith.
this discussion is interesting:.
There is no real support for the idea that early Christians went door to door.
some have been asking about easyprompt.. hey, i just bumped into her on quora and wished her a merry christmas.. she asked me to send you all her love.. i promised i would.. vander.
Hi Stan,
Good question.
I don't know if she will be back but I do hope so. I like the fact that she speaks her mind and is not afraid of disagreement.
some have been asking about easyprompt.. hey, i just bumped into her on quora and wished her a merry christmas.. she asked me to send you all her love.. i promised i would.. vander.
Some have been asking about EasyPrompt.
Hey, I just bumped into her on Quora and wished her a Merry Christmas.
She asked me to send you all her love.
I promised I would.
on this auspicious day, i'd like to propose a question (half in fun and the other half not) to ask, ... if the governing body reviewed the origins of christmas and now proclaimed that it was now a matter of conscience, how many of the brotherhood would pick it up and start practicing it?.
for me, i think that very, very few would take issue of the change and disassociate themselves.
yes, many would question it in their minds for a while but since it would be a governing body sanctioned holiday, i think a very surprising large number would do so with zeal ... particularly in europe, were it still has wholesome family traditions.
what does the mandate to "abstain from blood" mean for jehovah's witnesses freed from the control of the governing body?.
it had previously been understood that the best translation of acts 15: 28-30 was "to abstain from blood.
" however, a careful analysis of the passage shows that the best translation of this passage is "to abstain from (shedding) blood," where the word "pour out," which does not appear in ancient manuscripts and other biblical versions, does.it appears there understood in elliptical form.in the same way it happened in the case of colossians 1: 16-20 where the new world translation of the holy scriptures correctly inserted the word "other" several times, understood there in elliptical form, in the phrase of the original greek "all things ", thus obtaining the correct translation" all (other) things ".even though christianity reaffirms itself in translating this passage as saying that "through him all things were created", because he maintains that jesus is god according to his pagan doctrine of the trinity, multiple biblical passages sustainthe biblical truth that jesus is not jehovah god, but his beloved son that god later used as his creative partner.according to this paul said that "though he existed in the form of god, he did not give consideration to a usurpation, namely, that he should be equal to god, no, rather, he emptied himself and took the form of a slave and he came to be in the likeness of men, more than that, when he was in the manner of a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, yes, death on a torture stake, for this same reason, also, god he exalted a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above all else, so that in jesus' name every knee of those [who are] in heaven and those who are [over] the earth and those [who are] under the ground, and openly recognize * every tongue that jesus christ is lord for the glory of god the father.
"we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days!!!".
how are they going to phrase this in ten years time......
Nothing new here
April 1, 1967 Watchtower p.197)
fyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
the recent broad casts about not handing in time sheets, and then about beards, especially the beards, it seems so trivial, are those talks only released in order to distract the followers from the recent court case they lost on spain, from the csa cases, the kh sales and so on?.
i reckon they're taking their lead from the media, distract and divide tactics..
Beards OK and filling in forms no longer required are critical issues proving Jehovah of the Watchtower continues to major in minors and the Faithful Slave has nothing to important say to mankind.