Topics Started by Kathy
I need help! I'm losing my wife!
by indireneed inmy wife is becoming a witness and i've found very little that i can do to stop her!
i've tried to show her that the wt does not quote correctly, i've talked to her about past beliefs and i've tried to reason with her about the bible.
but she won't listen!.
A success story, thanks to YOU!
by Kathy inwell, here's an update.
thanks to all of you, my boyfriend's sister is seeing the light!
if you remember, we were trying to dissuade her from joining the jw's... becoming baptized, whatever.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses use the Net for Witnessing?
by Kathy init occured to me that this is their biggest audience.
might they record their time here, on the internet?
why wouldn't the wt sanction wholeheartedly the jw's use of the internet to spread "the truth?
Answer to: Why do JW's come here against WT policy
by GodRules inbelieve it or not the motives are love, at least in my case.
i know that sometimes jw's on this board do not show that, but it goes the same with some ex-jw's too.. am i going against wt counsel?
yes, but i am willing to pay the price to help my fellow man, specially if i see that they blinded by resentment and are going contrary to jehovah's will.. why does the wt give the counsel to stay away from site such as this?
For all x-JW's: quick question.....
by Kathy inif you remember, i've been inquiring about how to discuss jw issues with my boyfriend's sister.
it appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up.
if you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "what is the doctrine or belief that the jw's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?
1952 WT - Official Policy on Anointed
by Amazing inthis is a must read: the following is taken from the january 15, 1952 watchtower, pages 63 and 64. it is the most cmpassionate, kind, and detailed article i ever found on the topic of how jws know they are anointed.
the article even encourages jws to consider'partaking of the emblems' at the memorial.
it is the 'final article' that gave me the 'courage' to openly declare my hope as one of the anointed.
by Kathy ini hope you'll indulge me for a few minutes here.
i've been reading this board with great enthusiasm for a few weeks now.
i must say i am so impressed by the depth and breadth of experiences all of you are sharing.
Rutherford's Parting Shot
by Farkel inanyone who's informed about the honorable joseph franklin rutherford knew what a jerk he was in life, but the creator in his infinite humor also wanted his death to remind us that whenever we fondly think of da judge, one word will always come to our mind: that word is "asshole.".
here's "indisputable" proof:
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?