i ve got 2 if the vapor had more nicoteen everybody would switch! safe way to smoke in bed or in the movies just tape the red light with black tape still a real cigarete is better ! im surprised people havent turned um into electric drug pipes yet! also the tiny refill will kill a small animal if eaten
JoinedPosts by arimatthewdavies
Electronic Cigarettes?
by pr0ner ini'm working for this company blu cigs.
what are you general opinions on them?
i'm going to be doing pr and events stuff for them in the future.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures...
by Joliette inif i'm not mistaken, werent the committee of brothers who translated this bible: nathan knorr, albert scheoder, george gangas, fredrick franz.
wasnt fredrick franz the only scholarly person (or somewhat scholarly) person who was 'somewhat qualified' to translate any type of biblical greek, hebrew, etc?.
the small a god in john 1/1 is the n.w.t. bigest fault if you took the name jehovah out of it nobody would complain about that bible anymore! thats the issue here everyone knows it! come on look at the good news for modern man translation! nobody complains about its acuracy! put the word jehovah in the bible and their is to much talk about wittnesses of jehovah for comfort! and the name jehovah just plain anoys the wicked!
wittnesses of who?
by arimatthewdavies injehovahs wittnesses have adopted their name because they want to show that they are wittnesses for jehovah, but i need to point this out for your consideration first the name jehovah while it shows your referereing to jhwh really is not valid in the least, to be a wittnesses of some one in any court you must have his real ful.
name, proxies [stand in names] are not allowed.
second it was jesus christ who comisioned us to work for him.. third he is the mediator between us and god, hence how or why can you be a wittness for jehovah ?
jehovahs wittnesses have adopted their name because they want to show that they are wittnesses for jehovah, but i need to point this out for your consideration first the name jehovah while it shows your referereing to jhwh really is not valid in the least, to be a wittnesses of some one in any court you must have his real ful. name, proxies [stand in names] are not allowed. second it was jesus christ who comisioned us to work for him.
third he is the mediator between us and god, hence how or why can you be a wittness for jehovah ? when jesus christ is the one your working for? if this was a court jehovah would be the judge, you are the defendant jesus is the lawer satan is the plaintiff who demands your death.
so the name jehovahs wittness is a totaly junk name evan though it sounds good! worshipers of jehovah, rings true but certainley not wittnessed! -
The Dead Will Rise on October 31, 2010!!!
by Clint Bussey in<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/apr7jdommzk?fs=1&hl=en_us"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/apr7jdommzk?fs=1&hl=en_us" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>.
i admire his courage but i say the heck with ascociating in the hall all of us who beleive in jehovah should legaly registere ourselves as the church that worships jehovah invite the bible students the russelites and anyone that wishes to come no disfellowshiping , anyone who comes into the house of jehovah with a respectful atitude to worship should be encouraged to do so, and their should be a short meeting with fellowship time afterward ever evening at the meeting house, instead of long dry meetings were their is no praise or worship ,how many of you would pay $ 25 to the clerk of courts to make yourself registered jehovah worshiper be water baptised, use the bible onley and lead become the true church? i will bet you money and my life that your meeting building would stay full
The Bedbugs are coming....
by Snoozy ini seem to hear more and more on the news about the bed bug epedemic.
today they were talking about it on tv and they said they are spreading ,among other ways, at theaters and libraries.. i love going to the show and my grandchildren are spending a lot of time in the libraries at their colleges.. it's just a matter of time before someone close is exposed to them.. what do you do?.
i know for myself i am fearfull of going to the theater now.. they were talking about it in illinois and i am in missouri..can bedbugs swim?
here is the article shortened, most religeions are awaiting the rapture of the church were the good people fly away, satan as useual did his fine job turning the bible around and circulating a b.s, story! read your bible in that day you will consider the place of the wicked you will look for him and he wont be their! for onley the rightous remained! yes the days comeing one day soon 3/4ths of earths population will be removed as they are going up they will likley be happy thinking they are going to heaven jehovah will have given them strong delusion [a mercy] the wicked will be destoyed quickly and mercifully , leaveing behind hugh amounts of wealth and propertys. the bible says the richs of the wicked are laid up for the rightous..earth will quickley rebound with plants and creatures under jesus christs kingship the sickness and death will stop mans ageing will reverse..
now a little on the b.s. lie that religeion has been teaching! most of us have been beaten down with the preacher waveing a bible telling people about the rapture and we beleived it! nobody bothered to care for our home [earth] after all its getting burned up and we are going to heaven.
well look at the mess they made with that lie, thats not what the bible teaches they just waved it around made a big noise and bingl the rapture story! then they defamed the very person of god with another b.s. if your bad
god will torture you in hell! SO come to church give us your $ first god said the penalty for sin is death he said dead people feel absoulitly nothing and have no thoughts none. so out the door with that lie!
and last some men who were serious about geting right with god [the bible students] picked up their bible began to read it and started to encourage other to do likewise, soon some greedy wolven men decided to capitalise on this growing movement to worship god! they translated a bible in such a way that it would support the religeion they were building. and THe bible students got suc -
I am sorry about my posts not showing up im now useing skyfire some of my posts show up fine others do not when i use opera browser skyfire is slower but it works i will simply fill in the boxes on my empty posts thanks
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
dear brothers/sisters im a baptised anointed jehovah wittness not controlled by the w.b.t.s my relationship is first to jehovah ,jesus and the holy spirit, if you have been branded apostate, dont feed into it! if you love jehovah god and know it, if jesus is your lord and saviour, YOU ARE NOT AN APOSTATE! people help from jehovah is comeing to purify the presumtous wolves that are feeding on the sheeplike ones! jesus is sending a cleansing forth throughout the kingdom halls the wicked acts of future prediction and scripture manipulation will end real soon! meanwhile know this and have hope the anointed left on earth will be opening up and giveing clear holy spirit inspired ministry to those hurting, my job is to make it know that jehovah says stand firm tell others to stand firm and expect help! jehovah has heard the outcry !
any one wanting to talk one on one ,can email me [email protected]
also i need writers to post for jehovahs worship
jehovahisgod.yuku.com this site will be ministered to by me i will give personal attention to anyone needing it we pray to jehovah in jesus name we post the inspiration of the holy spirit we obey jesus without fear!
all praises to our lord and king! -
An Organization of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit!
by wannabe inan organization, of balsphemy against the holy spirit!.
any false prophet, who would make such a claim as this, quite clearly, does not understand the holy writings.
the fact of the matter, is, such a claim would actually stamp this one as a false prophet, and not a true prophet of jehovah god at all.
you people have mercy and kindness please! the average j.w. loves god and jesus and would live or die for them! jehovah god is sending help to purge out the presumtous power hungry wolves that are feeding on the sheeplike average jehovah wittnesses, i am just a messenger, i am a real wittnesses!
i pray to god who guides me with the help of jesus and the holy spirit im the w.b.t.s. worst nightmare! i have come out of borg ville and i know how to kill the l deceptions slap dead im going to start one at a time! you guys help pass on the cures! with your help we can all get were jesus wants us,
ALSO PLEASE EXCUSE my blank posts i have fixed the problem -
no blood! also no wittnessing on saterday!
by arimatthewdavies injehovahs wittnesses refuse blood because the bible says no eating blood, they equate this with a blood transfusion saying its the same as eating blood!
therefore efective now all field service and care of the kingdom hall must cease until sundown saterday, it is not permited to obey one law and die for it, then not obey all the others!
it is not permited to change jehovahs day of rest!
im sorry some of my posts arent posting right opera mobile is not doing it so im useing skyfire my site jehovahisgod.yuku.com will have more on blood and why we need to save lives, a person in fear of their life or childs life is in the same boat as the apostle peter who denied jesus 3 times did jesus scold peter no!
why would jesus scold you! he understands its a matter of life or death and would be glad to forgive evan if its a sin, remember people jesus saves! his blood saves he expects you to do the same!