sorry... i meant delusional....
Posts by Alfred
Who is Rolf Furuli?
by possible-san inis he a reliable scholar?.
(most of anti-jehovah's witnesses in japan hardly know his name.).
is he an active jehovah's witness?.
Who is Rolf Furuli?
by possible-san inis he a reliable scholar?.
(most of anti-jehovah's witnesses in japan hardly know his name.).
is he an active jehovah's witness?.
He's a delisional elder in Norway employed by the GB to refute anything that contradicts their 1914 doctrine...
Uber Dub wants to have dinner....
by outsmartthesystem inok. the good news is that my wife has eased up on the whole "talking it out with the elders" thing.
she now insists that she is doing her"own independent research with unbiased materials" on some subjects.
This guy really sounds like the type of dub who would use this opportunity to his advantage...
If he succeeds in sucking you back in, he'll be hailed as a hero...
If he succeeds in exposing you as an apostate, he's be hailed a super-hero...
Either way, the CO will be impressed with him... don't give him that pleasure...
If Jerusalem destruction was truly significant- Why would an almighty God allow so much confusion regarding the date?
by mankkeli ini was just thinking that if truly the destruction of jerusalem would have any significance today, why should there be so much confusion surrounding its date and discrepancies regarding the names of those neo-babylonian kings.. .
if truly that event was significant, why should it be so difficult for the almighty god to pen down the exact date in the bible and shield us from unnecessary debates, reliance on scholars and opaque explanations from religions with ulterior motives?.
i cant comprehend any reason to justify the silence from god on this date.. .
jesus was very clear when he instructed his disciples not to 'speculate' about when he would return and establish his kingdom (see acts 1:7)... so any confusion regarding the date of jerusalem's destruction was created solely by the fds (making things up as they along)...
Here is the funeral talk outline. VERY discraceful.
by stillstuckcruz inthis is truly terrible.
i just love the statement "instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth.
" in other words, utterly disregard the deceased.
"The talk need not exceed 30 minutes."
Why not? Are they afraid that funerals might start interfering with field service???
printing of g increased
by factfinder ini don't know if anyone has noticed this yet but the jan. 2012 g is now up on
the average printing per issue is now.
41.042,000 which is an increase per issue of 1,129,000 more compared with last year.
the printing of the most least-read magazine in the world has gone up so that 3-year olds can easily place them, become publishers and make themselves eligible for baptism by the time they're 5 years old... keep in mind that recruitment is no longer coming from the field... it's coming from jw family and jw peer pressure... the easier you make it more jw children to get baptized, the earlier you can start their long brainwashing process and increase the retention rate...
Heavenly Gates Closed in 1935 Re-opened in 2007
by Alfred insince 1935, the watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed christians had ceased in 1935. this teaching was especially significant to older jws (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.
) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging governing body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near.
in other words, as more governing body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving armageddon and living on paradise earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance.
wt wizard... they themselves purposely increased the number of partakers so they could divert attention from the governing body having only 2 members born before 1935... it was much easier for them to "explain away" the increasing number of partakers than having to defend their authority... it's a strategy that obviously worked to a great degree...
Father Elders going mad !
by koolaid-man inthe stress on jehovah's witness elders raising their children in "the truth" is causing many to literally go mad.. keeping their children in " the spiritual ark" is becoming more and more difficult.. many elders are snapping under the pressure.. one of our guests on the six screens conference call told of her elder father ( who everyone at the kingdom hall thought was an angel) came home from the meeting and killed the family dog in the kitchen with his bookbag as the family looked on....... join us tonight oct. 22, 2011 at 7 pm edt.
.... our guest will be wendy lee tucker former jw whose father was an elder and terribly abused her physically and emotionally.. she received horrific beatings..... hit with a bat, punched at, receiving a broken nose and became a prisoner in her home.. wendy was looked in her room with the doors being nailed shut when the family went off to the kingdom hall.. a far cry fom being a "spiritual paradise".
it is easy to get on the computer is necessary.... just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. our lines open at 6:30 pm come on early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the watchtower".
rick... i pm'd you a while back asking you where you heared that elders were being deleted for having facebook accounts... i never received a response... i later found out it was completely false...
now, what am i? a watchtower operative? someone with a hidden agenda?
rick... do yourself a favor... get a life...
Heavenly Gates Closed in 1935 Re-opened in 2007
by Alfred insince 1935, the watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed christians had ceased in 1935. this teaching was especially significant to older jws (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.
) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging governing body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near.
in other words, as more governing body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving armageddon and living on paradise earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance.
the point i was trying make is that real reason for doing away with 1935 was because of the aging and dying governing body leaving the newer guys with no authority... in fact, i believe they purposely increased the number of memorial "partakers" in recent years to take the attention away from the fact that they now have a governing body that were mostly born after 1935... and it worked... more attention was placed on the increasing number of partakers than the legitimacy of the new governing body... these guys are smarter than we think...
Heavenly Gates Closed in 1935 Re-opened in 2007
by Alfred insince 1935, the watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed christians had ceased in 1935. this teaching was especially significant to older jws (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.
) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging governing body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near.
in other words, as more governing body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving armageddon and living on paradise earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance.
re-post with larger font (sorry)
Since 1935, the Watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed Christians had ceased in 1935. This teaching was especially significant to older JWs (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the Watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging Governing Body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near. In other words, as more Governing Body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving Armageddon and living on Paradise Earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance. It was pretty much a given… No more GB members born before 1935 = Paradise.
But as the 90’s came to a close, the Watchtower was forced to start putting the brakes on this “1935” doctrine as they lost Frederick Franz, George Gangas, John Booth and William Loyd Barry between 1992 and 1999. What were they to do with only 8 remaining members who were born before 1935? Press on, of course.
In fact, I remember 1999 all too well as the year of much expectation since the Watchtower (March 1, 1984 page 19 paragraph 12) indicated that Armageddon would arrive much sooner than the turn of the century. This was followed by two re-affirming articles in the May 15, 1984 Watchtower. But what were they to do with less than a year remaining before the year 2000 (hence, Armageddon)? Press on, of course.
Needless to say, Y2K came and went uneventfully and many were left scratching their heads. But the Governing Body decided to stick with their “1935 Heavenly Gate Closure” doctrine as they still had plenty of members on the GB who were born before that year. In fact, the Watchtower May 15, 2001 page 15 was yet another reminder that they fully intended to stick with this doctrine for as long as they deemed necessary. However, with the deaths of 6 more Governing Body members between 2001 and 2007 (Klein, Swingle, Henschel, Sydlic, Schroeder and Barber), they simply could not hold on to this lie any longer without looking like fools. So, in 2007, with only 2 members on the body born before 1935 (John Barr & Theodore Jaracz, both dying 3 years later), they were finally forced to quietly do away with this false doctrine in a “Questions from Readers” article of the May 1, 2007 Watchtower. As expected, however, the rank and file were mostly oblivious to this situation and simply accepted it as “New Light” from Jehovah.
So, after 71 years, the Watchtower was forced to “re-open” the Heavenly Gates in 2007 for any other delusional JWs who may eventually feel that they are part of a special class of Christians. And all of this was possible thanks to Proverbs 4:18 (their universal “get-out-of-embarrassment-free” card). That being said, I firmly believe that the next major change they will be forced to make is with regards to the number 144,000 being only a symbolic number. This along with the “overlapping generations” teaching should buy the Watchtower at least 50 more years which is plenty of time to brainstorm a new self-preservation strategy while re-grouping in their brand new facilities in upstate New York.